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WeChat small program according to the current position for recent merchants


Such as I have the current position for the latitude: longitude 28.23529:112.93134
Is there a list of merchants:
A latitude, longitude 28.24529:112.94134
B latitude, longitude 28.25529:112.95134
C latitude, longitude 28.26529:112.96134
D latitude, longitude 28.27529:112.97134
E latitude, longitude 28.28529:112.98134
F latitude, longitude 28.29529:112.99134
How to get away from the current position from the list of merchants recent business information

CodePudding user response:

//calculate the points and the distance from the current positioning
Short: function (la1, lo1 la2, lo2) {
Var La1=La1 * Math. PI/180.0;
Var La2=La2 * Math. PI/180.0;
Var La3=La1 - La2;
Var 5=lo1 * Math. PI/180.0 - lo2 * math.h PI/180.0;
Var s=2 * math.h asin (math.h SQRT (math.h pow (Math. Sin (La3/2), 2) + math.h cos (La1) * Math. Cos (La2) * math.h pow (Math. Sin (5/2), 2)));
S=s * 6378.137;//the earth radius
S=Math. Round (s * 10000)/10000;
Return s.t oFixed (1) + 'km;

CodePudding user response:

Thank you for your advice, you let me know the calculation of the distance between two points, I want to, like my cooperation business table has 1000 business positioning, again according to the user's current location, get the nearest businesses, many small programs, or apps have this function, don't know how to achieve better, if the position of each merchants and calculate again to compare the current position and will not too big amount of calculation,

CodePudding user response:

Thanks for sharing the original poster
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