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How to check if JAVA_HOME is too old?


I want to check if JAVA_HOME is set and if it is older than JAVA 10. How to check it correctly ? I must have this check inside this if statement. This script does not detect JAVA version.


if not defined "%JAVA_HOME%" (
    for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /i "version"') do (
        set JAVAVER=%%g
    set JAVAVER=%JAVAVER:"=%
    for /f "delims=. tokens=2" %%v in ("%JAVAVER%") do (
       set JAVA=%%v
       goto loaded_version
    echo "%JAVA%"


CodePudding user response:

You need to use delims and tokens correcty, no need to set so many variables either:

@echo off
set "EXPECTED=10"
for /f tokens^=2*delims^=.^" %%i in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /LIC:"java version"') do if "%%i" lss "%EXPECTED%" echo Wrong version & goto :EOF
echo Correct Version!

CodePudding user response:

Within the code block from the ( of the original if to the very closing ),

  1. labels are essentially illegal.
  2. %var% means the value of var at the time the block was encountered, not the value as changed within the block.
  3. You need to invoke delayedexpansion to access the value of a variable that has changed.

Beware of the delayed expansion trap

if not defined "%JAVA_HOME%" ( asks whether the variable "%JAVA_HOME%" is defined, so if java_home is set to c:\somewhere then if not defined "%JAVA_HOME%" ( will be interpreted as if not defined "c:\somewhere" (. It's highly unlikely that a variable named "c:\somewhere" has been defined, and not what you probably want.

This is a revised version which circumvents the problems - I believe. Since you don't show us the string produced by java -version, I don't know the detail of processing it.

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

if not defined JAVA_HOME (
    for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /i "version"') do (
        set "JAVAVER=%%g"
    set "JAVAVER=!JAVAVER:"=!"
    set "JAVA="
    for /f "delims=. tokens=2" %%v in ("!JAVAVER!") do (
     set "JAVA=%%v"
    echo "!JAVA!"
IF "%JAVA%" LSS "%EXPECTED_JAVA_VERSION%" (echo JAVA VERSION is %JAVA% - need %expected_java_version%) ELSE (echo CORRECT JAVA VERSION)

If java_home is not defined, then do the following:

  • find the version of java from the third token of the string passed by findstr and assign to javaver.
  • using delayed expansion remove quotes from the now-changed value of javaver. (Note that if %%g is a string "enclosed in quotes" then %%~g would have already removed those enclosing quotes.
  • again echo the result.
  • "set" the value of java to nothing, which undefines java.
  • set the value of java from the string in javaver
  • display the result

Then it's a simple comparison - and please take the opportunity to produce an explanatory message.

BUT having done all this, I'd suggest that if java_home is not defined, then java is not installed at all, and you actually need to run your test if java IS installed, which implies java_home would be set.

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