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how to append different column values and convert it into numeric months


I have a table below.

Updated Questions (adding one more column called Cust ID

Cust ID Jan Transaction Fee Jan Transaction Fee Jan Product Fee Jan Product Fee Feb Transaction Fee Feb Transaction Fee Feb Product Fee Feb Product Fee
100103 100 20 21 24 215 55 253 25
100104 200 30 31 34 315 65 353 35

I would like to convert the table from above to the below expected result.

Cust ID Period Type FX Price
100103 202201 Transaction Fee HKD 100
100103 202201 Transaction Fee USD 20
100103 202201 Product Fee HKD 21
100103 202201 Product Fee USD 24
100103 202202 Transaction Fee HKD 215
100103 202202 Transaction Fee USD 55
100103 202202 Product Fee HKD 253
100103 202202 Product Fee USD 25
100104 202201 Transaction Fee HKD 200
100104 202201 Transaction Fee USD 30
100104 202201 Product Fee HKD 31
100104 202201 Product Fee USD 34
100104 202202 Transaction Fee HKD 315
100104 202202 Transaction Fee USD 65
100104 202202 Product Fee HKD 353
100104 202202 Product Fee USD 35

In my thoughts, i would like to concate Transaction fee and currency together, then split the words later, but i have already come across an issue in doing the appending columns. My coding is below

import pandas as pd 

test=pd.DataFrame({'Cust ID':['','','100103','100104'],'0':['Jan Transaction Fee','HKD',100,200],'1':['Jan Transaction Fee','USD',20,30],\
                  '2':['Jan Product Fee','HKD',21,31],'3':['Jan Product Fee','USD',24,34],
                  '4':['Feb Transaction Fee','HKD',215,315],'5':['Feb Transaction Fee','USD',55,65],
                  '6':['Feb Product Fee','HKD',253,353],'7':['Feb Product Fee','USD',25,35]})


df_1['test']=df_1['0'].str.cat(sep=' ')
df_1['test_1']=df_1['1'].str.cat(sep=' ')

The final result is as follows

enter image description here

My test column remove the Jan Transaction Fee HKD, and only Jan Transaction Fee USD is remained under test column. Does anyone guide me how to append the values under test_1 column to test column so that there will be four rows tgt? Or is there any way to do my expected result in much easier way (by using any transpose technique).

I am just a beginner in Python. Hope someone can help. Thanks

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, you could set labels, transpose, and split the Type column into Type and period (with reworking the date):

df = test.set_axis(['Type', 'FX', 'Price']).T
# or renaming by numerical index
# df = test.rename({0: 'Type', 1: 'FW', 2: 'Price'}).T

df[['Period', 'Type']] = df['Type'].str.split(n=1, expand=True)

df['Period'] = pd.to_datetime('2022 ' df['Period']).dt.strftime('%Y%m')


              Type   FW Price  Period
0  Transaction Fee  HKD   100  202201
1  Transaction Fee  USD    20  202201
2      Product Fee  HKD    21  202201
3      Product Fee  USD    24  202201
4  Transaction Fee  HKD   215  202202
5  Transaction Fee  USD    55  202202
6      Product Fee  HKD   253  202202
7      Product Fee  USD    25  202202
Period as YYYYMMDD integer with DD as MonthEnd
df['Period'] = (pd.to_datetime('2022 ' df['Period'])
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