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How to send "Enter-key" through batch file to server connected via batch file


Hi guys

With Gerhard's help, these below codes work perfectly for me

@echo off

set "range="
for %%i in (%range%) do (
   start "" cmdkey.exe /generic:"%%i" /user:"buffer" /pass:"123$"
   start "" mstsc.exe /admin /w:1600 /v:"%%i"

   timeout /t 1

In the below code, I made some changes to send the enter key, but it does not work

@echo off

set "range="
for %%i in (%range%) do

   start "" cmdkey.exe /generic:"%%i" /user:"buffer" /pass:"123$"
   start "" mstsc.exe /admin /w:1600 /v:"%%i"


   timeout /t 1

Does anyone know how to send "Enter-key" in between these loops?

I want to send "Enter-key" after server is connected, then second server will connect

CodePudding user response:

You are very close, but your problem is that WScript.CreateObject is not a batch command, but rather a VBScript command. In order to run that command in a batch script, you need to invoke the cscript interpreter for that line. Unfortunately, cscript only accepts files so you have to create a file with the WScript command in it.

set "range="
for %%i in (%range%) do (
    start "" cmdkey.exe /generic:"%%i" /user:"buffer" /pass:"123$"
    start "" mstsc.exe /admin /w:1600 /v:"%%i"
    >hit_enter.vbs echo WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"^).SendKeys("{Enter}"^)
    cscript /nologo hit_enter.vbs
    del hit_enter.vbs
    timeout /t 1

CodePudding user response:

The simplest way to assemble an hybrid Batch file is combining it with JScript code, as in this example:

@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then

@echo off

set "range="
for %%i in (%range%) do (
   start "" cmdkey.exe /generic:"%%i" /user:"buffer" /pass:"123$"
   start "" mstsc.exe /admin /w:1600 /v:"%%i"

   Cscript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"

   timeout /t 1
goto :EOF



However, in order for this trick to work, the receiving window must have keyboard focus when the key is "pressed". Perhaps you need to also use AppActivate method to do that...

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