I have bunch of gherkin test steps in a feature file scenario. How to read test data from excel file and execute the same test steps for each and every data in the row
CodePudding user response:
Considering you are reading username and password
When I read username and password
Step definition should contain steps to read data using excel utility
@When(^I read username and password$)
String userName = excel.getData(sheetName,col,row);
String password = excel.getData(sheetName,col,row);
Create excel utility to read data.
CodePudding user response:
In general you should avoid trying to drive cucumber scenarios from Excel spreadsheets. People have been trying this for years and failing.
If you have to use Excel to store important data for driving tests then you should do one scenario per table, rather than try and do one scenario per row.
After that some things to consider are
Can you test the data in the sheet at a lower level i.e. write a unit test that iterates over the table data.
Is every row in your data set viable and distinct. If not why are testing the same thing several times.
If you get past these criteria and still want to use your Excel table you can write a single scenario to test the whole table as follows.
Assuming a set of credentials
Given a set of good credentials
When I login in with the credentials
Then I should see no failures
and an implementation something like
Given 'a set of good credentials' do
@credentails = load_credentials_from_excel_table
When 'I login with credentials' do
@results = login_with_credentials(@credentails)
Then 'I should see no failures' do
# look for failures in @results
You will need some helper methods to avoid putting loads of code in your steps.
module CredsStepHelper
def load_credentials_from_excel_table(...
def login_with_credentials(@credentails)
credentials.each do |user, password|
results << login_with(user: user, password: password)
def login_with(user: , password)
World CredsStepHelper
Implementation is ruby pseudocode, you'll have to translate if you are using another language.