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Replace NAs based on conditions in R


I have a dataset and I want to replace NAs with empty string in those columns where the number of missing values is greater or equal to n. For instance, n = 500.


synthetic <- tibble(
  col1 = runif(1000),
  col2 = runif(1000),
  col3 = runif(1000)

na_insert <- c(sample(nrow(synthetic), 500, replace = FALSE))

synthetic[na_insert, 1] <- NA

What I am trying to do and eventually fail:

synthetic %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), ~ replace_na(sum(is.na(.x)) >= 500, "")))

What am I doing wrong in this primitive exercise?

CodePudding user response:

You could make use of where with a purrr-like function:


synthetic %>% 
    mutate(across(where(~sum(is.na(.x)) >= 500), ~coalesce(as.character(.x), "")))

This returns

# A tibble: 1,000 x 3
   col1                  col2   col3
   <chr>                <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 ""                   0.479 0.139 
 2 "0.647259329678491"  0.410 0.770 
 3 ""                   0.696 0.805 
 4 ""                   0.863 0.803 
 5 "0.184729989385232"  0.146 0.652 
 6 "0.635790845612064"  0.634 0.0830
 7 ""                   0.305 0.527 
 8 "0.0419759317301214" 0.297 0.275 
 9 ""                   0.883 0.698 
10 "0.757252902723849"  0.115 0.933 
# ... with 990 more rows

CodePudding user response:

Using ifelse function:


synthetic |> 
    sum(is.na(.)) >= 500 & is.na(.),


# A tibble: 1,000 x 3
   col1                  col2   col3
   <chr>                <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 ""                   0.479 0.139 
 2 "0.647259329678491"  0.410 0.770 
 3 ""                   0.696 0.805 
 4 ""                   0.863 0.803 
 5 "0.184729989385232"  0.146 0.652 
 6 "0.635790845612064"  0.634 0.0830
 7 ""                   0.305 0.527 
 8 "0.0419759317301214" 0.297 0.275 
 9 ""                   0.883 0.698 
10 "0.757252902723849"  0.115 0.933 


Using across and not mutate_all:

synthetic |>
                ~ ifelse(sum(is.na(
                )) >= 500 & is.na(.),

CodePudding user response:

n <- 500
# convert all to character
setDT(synthetic)[, names(synthetic) := lapply(.SD, as.character)]
# find columns with >= 500 NA's
cols <- which(colSums(is.na(synthetic)) >= n)
# fast!! replace all NA in the found columns to ""
for(col in cols) set(synthetic, 
                     i = which(is.na(synthetic[[col]])), 
                     j = col, 
                     value = "")
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