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Displaying author photo below title and excerpt in single post


I'm using the Twenty Twenty One WordPress theme and would like to add an author image below the title and the excerpt in the entry header for all the single-post pages.

Here's a photo of where I'd like the image to go: enter image description here

It will display the Profile image and name of the author of the posy. This is the default feature in Twenty Twenty One theme.


You can add post author to all post/pages just by editing the page/posts template. Here are the steps to do the same:

  1. Go to Appearance->Editor enter image description here
  2. Click on templates enter image description here
  3. Then select Single Post.
  4. Edit the template and add Post Author from there to get post author on all posts. enter image description here


You can also add the same programmatically just by following the given below article: https://www.wpkube.com/how-to-add-author-box-in-wordpress-posts/

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