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Assert that every location have a value for each date in R


I have a dataset that has values for Y and X variables, for certain cities, and for different dates. But the cities don't necessarily have values for all the dates, which is a problem for me.

date location X Y
2018-10-12 PARIS 10 20
2018-10-12 NEW YORK 15 20
2018-10-13 PARIS 16 8
2018-10-13 LOS ANGELES 16 8

So I want, for each date, a value per city of Y and X like this :

date location X Y
2018-10-12 PARIS 10 20
2018-10-12 NEW YORK 15 20
2018-10-12 LOS ANGELES NA NA
2018-10-13 PARIS 16 8
2018-10-13 LOS ANGELES 16 8
2018-10-13 NEW YORK NA NA

I tried isolating unique dates in a new dataframe and using the 'left_join' function of dplyr package but it doesn't work... How can i achieve this ?

Thanks for your help!

CodePudding user response:

You can use expand from the tidyr package to get all possible combinations of date and location, and then left_join to your existing data frame:

cities  |>
    expand(date, location)  |>

# Joining, by = c("date", "location")
# # A tibble: 6 x 4
#   date       location        X     Y
#   <chr>      <chr>       <int> <int>
# 1 2018-10-12 LOS ANGELES    NA    NA
# 2 2018-10-12 NEW YORK       15    20
# 3 2018-10-12 PARIS          10    20
# 4 2018-10-13 LOS ANGELES    16     8
# 5 2018-10-13 NEW YORK       NA    NA
# 6 2018-10-13 PARIS          16     8
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