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Android8.1 bluetooth connection problem


Fairly rk platform (main) link mobile phones (from), mobile phone (main) connection fairly rk platform (from) can be successful, what reason be? The code below
 package com. The CDN. Bluetoothphone; 

Import android. Content. BroadcastReceiver;
The import android. The content. The Context;
The import android. Content. Intent;
The import android. Sax. StartElementListener;
The import android. Util. Log;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothHeadsetClient;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothHeadsetClientCall;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothProfile;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothAdapter;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothDevice;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothProfile. ServiceListener;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothClass;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothHeadset;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothA2dp;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothA2dpSink;
The import android. Bluetooth. BluetoothPbapClient;

Public class CallBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

Public static final String TAG=
Private static final String FIND_PHONE=
"Com. Viomi. Fridge. CurPhone";//query the current connection phone
Private static final String FIND_PHONE_RESULT=
"Com. Viomi. Fridge. CurPhoneResult";//underlying feedback actual bluetooth phone connection information
Private static final String CONNECT_TO_PHONE=
"Com. Viomi. Fridge. ConnectTo";//the underlying access switch bluetooth phone state radio
Private static final String ACTION_BOOT=
"Android. Intent. Action. BOOT_COMPLETED";//boot broadcast
Private static final String ACTION1=
BluetoothHeadsetClient. ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED;//bluetooth connection successfully sign
Private static final String ACTION2=
BluetoothHeadsetClient. ACTION_CALL_CHANGED;//call state change
Private static final String ACTION3=
BluetoothHeadsetClient. ACTION_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED;//as long as the state of the audio changes, it will send intent,
Public static BluetoothDevice cur_device;
Private static BluetoothAdapter mAdapter=null;
Private static BluetoothHeadsetClient McLient;//bluetooth phone
Private static BluetoothPbapClient mPbapClient;//bluetooth address book

List Devices;

@ Override
Public void onReceive (Context Context, Intent Intent) {
//TODO Auto - generated method stub
String actionStr=intent. GetAction ();
{if (actionStr. Equals (ACTION1))
The Log i. (TAG, "-- -- -- -- -- ACTION1: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" + actionStr);
Int state=intent. GetIntExtra (BluetoothProfile EXTRA_STATE, 1);
Intent PhoneIntent=new Intent (FIND_PHONE_RESULT);
If (state==2) {
The Log. I (TAG, "device is connected... ");
Cur_device=(BluetoothDevice) intent. GetExtra (BluetoothDevice. EXTRA_DEVICE);
PhoneIntent. PutExtra (" bleAddr ", cur_device getAddress ());
The context. SendBroadcast (PhoneIntent);
{} else if (state==0)
The Log. I (TAG, "device is disconnected... ");
BleAddr PhoneIntent. PutExtra (" ", "");
The context. SendBroadcast (PhoneIntent);
} else if (actionStr equals (ACTION2)) {
The Log i. (TAG, "-- -- -- -- -- ACTION2: bluetooth phone... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "+ actionStr);
} else if (actionStr equals (ACTION3)) {
Log. I (TAG, "-- -- -- -- -- ACTION3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" + actionStr);
Int state=intent. GetIntExtra (BluetoothProfile EXTRA_STATE, 1);
} else if (actionStr equals (FIND_PHONE)) {//open the bluetooth switch
The Log i. (TAG, "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- FIND_PHONE -- -- -- -- -- -- --" + actionStr);
Intent PhoneIntent=new Intent (FIND_PHONE_RESULT);
If (cur_device!=null) {
PhoneIntent. PutExtra (" bleAddr ", cur_device getAddress ());
The context. SendBroadcast (PhoneIntent);
} else {
BleAddr PhoneIntent. PutExtra (" ", "");
The context. SendBroadcast (PhoneIntent);
} else if (actionStr equals (CONNECT_TO_PHONE)) {//matching success
Log. I (TAG, "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CONNECT_TO_PHONE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -" + actionStr);
String bleAddr=intent. GetStringExtra (" bleAddr ");//MAC address
String toConnect=intent. GetStringExtra (" status ");//link state 1, 0 disconnect
Log. I (TAG, "click device: MAC - & gt;" + bleAddr + ", the status - & gt;" + toConnect);
If (mAdapter==null) {
MAdapter=BluetoothAdapter. GetDefaultAdapter ();//get the default BluetoothAdapter
MAdapter. The enable ();//forced open
The Log. I (TAG, "bluetooth enable & gt;>>>> & gt;" + mAdapter. IsEnabled ());
MAdapter. GetProfileProxy (context. GetApplicationContext (), mServiceListener, BluetoothProfile. HEADSET_CLIENT);
MAdapter. GetProfileProxy (context. GetApplicationContext (), mServiceListener, BluetoothProfile. PBAP_CLIENT);
Set BleDevices=mAdapter. GetBondedDevices ();//all matching equipment
Log. I (TAG, "connect========================================================");
For (BluetoothDevice device: bleDevices) {
The Log. I (TAG, "paried device name>>>> & gt;" + device. The getName () + ", address>>>>> & gt;" + device. GetAddress ());
If (device. GetBluetoothClass (.) getMajorDeviceClass ()==BluetoothClass. The device. The Major. The PHONE
& & Device. GetAddress () equals (bleAddr)) {
The Log i. (TAG, "start the connect");
If (toConnect. Equals (" 1 ")) {
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