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With 2020 r2 OpenVINO accuracy_check precision inspection tools example of SSD model precision


Front in OpenVINO 2020 INT8 conversion tool POT early experience sharing inside the POT and accuracy_check tool usage, but using classification classification model, relatively simple, simple to share today write testing SSD model accuracy of the thinking of the config file

First to belle is OpenVINO written document is extremely poor, almost can not find anything you want, perhaps this is the essence of the open source project, it's up to see the code... So think about it first, when I am with DL workbench, can convert mobilenet - SSD model and test accuracy, so this part must be take in the openvino installation directory, flip openvino accuracy_checker directory, saw a suspicious file

Look at the file content

- name: SSD - mobilenet - cf
- framework: caffe
Model: public/mobilenet - SSD/mobilenet - SSD. Prototxt
Weights: public/mobilenet - SSD/mobilenet - SSD. Caffemodel
Adapter: SSD
- name: VOC2012
- type: resize
Size: 300
- type: normalization
Mean: 127.5
STD: 127.5
- type: resize_prediction_boxes

- name: SSD - mobilenet
- framework: DLSDK
- FP32
Model: public/mobilenet - SSD/FP32/mobilenet - SSD. XML
Weights: public/mobilenet - SSD/FP32/mobilenet - SSD. Bin
Adapter: SSD

- framework: DLSDK
- FP16
Model: public/mobilenet - SSD/FP16/mobilenet - SSD. XML
Weights: public/mobilenet - SSD/FP16/mobilenet - SSD. Bin
Adapter: SSD

- name: VOC2012
- type: resize
Size: 300
- type: resize_prediction_boxes

Global_definitions:../dataset_definitions yml
Launchers section, there is a model of the path and file name; Datasets part, writing the data set is VOC2012, under part of the description is not very full, but here is a strange thing: global_definitions:../dataset_definitions yml

Looks a bit like C include, see the file

In the file content to find VOC2012 keyword

- name: VOC2012
The converter: voc_detection
Annotations_dir: VOCdevkit VOC2012/Annotations
Images_dir: VOCdevkit VOC2012/JPEGImages
Imageset_file: VOCdevkit/VOC2012/ImageSets/Main/val. TXT
Data_source: VOCdevkit VOC2012/JPEGImages
Annotation: voc12 pickle
Dataset_meta: voc12 json
- type: resize_prediction_boxes
The metrics:
- type: map
11 point integral:
Ignore_difficult: True
Presenter: print_scalar

This has been all about, create a mobilenet - ssd_ac. Yml file, use Ctrl CV solution, all the things I want to copy and paste together

- name: SSD - mobilenet
- framework: DLSDK
- FP32
Model: XML mobilenet - SSD.
Weights: mobilenet - SSD. Bin
Adapter: SSD

- name: VOC2012
- type: resize
Size: 300
- type: resize_prediction_boxes
The converter: voc_detection
Annotations_dir: VOCdevkit VOC2012/Annotations
Images_dir: VOCdevkit VOC2012/JPEGImages
Imageset_file: VOCdevkit/VOC2012/ImageSets/Main/val. TXT
Data_source: VOCdevkit VOC2012/JPEGImages
Annotation: voc12 pickle
Dataset_meta: voc12 json
- type: resize_prediction_boxes
The metrics:
- type: map
11 point integral:
Ignore_difficult: True
Presenter: print_scalar

Then convert mobilenet - IR model of SSD

C: \ Program Files \ (x86) IntelSWTools \ openvino \ deployment_tools \ model_optimizer & gt; Python mo_caffe. Py -- -- input_model c: \ work \ cvt_model \ mobilenet - SSD caffemodel - o c: \ work \ mobilenet - 127.5 - mean_values ssd_ac - scale [127.5, 127.5, 127.5]
Again from the Internet under a VoC model VOCtrainval_11 - May - 2012. The tar

The several files together

Run it and see

The mAP accuracy is 79.84% basic can prove this config file is written by the way:)

To summarize:

In C: \ Program Files \ IntelSWTools \ openvino_2020 (x86) 3.194 \ deployment_tools \ open_model_zoo \ tools \ accuracy_checker \ configs here are many pre-written open source model accuracy check configuration Files, writing their own model checking configuration can be used to refer to it:)
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