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QT how to realize the communication and information fast printing?


Recently in debugging Ethernet, which need to print the Ethernet communication information (time, IP, data length, data), but in the use of the table view to find the reality with a delay problem (data has been received but print delay, communications have to wait a long time after printing to complete), ask bosses have what good method to implement this feature?
To show the code below:
The static uint16_t row;
Uint16_t I=0;
QTableWidgetItem * Im_cell [13].
If (STR) isEmpty ())
QDebug () & lt; & lt;" The message the empty ";
QTime tm_current=QTime: : currentTime ();
QString str_time=tm_current. ToString (hh: mm: ss. "z");
PTw - & gt; SetRowCount (row + 1);
QTableWidgetItem * Im_time=new QTableWidgetItem ();
Im_time - & gt; SetText (str_time);
PTw - & gt; SetItem (row, 0, Im_time);
Im_time - & gt; SetFlags (Im_time - & gt; Flags () & amp; (~ Qt: : ItemIsEditable));
for (i=0; I{
Im_cell [I]=new QTableWidgetItem ();
Im_cell [I] - & gt; SetText (STR [I]);
PTw - & gt; SetItem (row, "I + 1, Im_cell [I]);
Im_cell [I] - & gt; SetFlags (Im_cell [I] - & gt; Flags () & amp; (~ Qt: : ItemIsEditable));
//pTw - & gt; ResizeColumnsToContents ();//xy
PTw - & gt; ScrollToBottom ();

CodePudding user response:

Can open a print another thread, namely form data display and print can be divided into two threads
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  • Qt
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