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Great spirit of all stripes android development studio album, small white, please give directions


Do a similar device's album development recently, just began to learn, through online access to information, find album thumbnails and the original image is stored in the database images and thumbnails of the two tables, and through image - id related, follow the train of thought is doing, keep a beautiful picture in the images, the original path is added to the imageid and thumbnail path is added in the thumbnails, album thumbnail display is made of recyclerview, to click on the thumbnail now display the original image,
I do now, click the thumbnail for the thumbnails table image - id, find images through image - id table in the original path, and then loaded into the viewFlipper items in the imageview, display after need to slide around other images, and mobile phones bring photo album, here's the problem, I put the two imageview in viewfipper used as sliding switch picture around, now need to click on the thumbnail after access to the path in which line in the table, so that when sliding to know the following to display a picture should which line access to the path and loaded into the imageview, through the cursor. Move and cursor movetonect and previous can order for path, but checked the online, sqlite seems to not have this kind of query a data in which the statement, although set up in the table on the id, but have deleted photos function, after deleting the image database is updated, the line number and id number is right,
First is the direct path of the images in the database table all loaded into a list, through the list index set image path, but much more pictures will appear to load slow question, click on a thumbnail, over a period of time will only be displayed, experience is not good, so I want to do the real-time load, each slide just to get a path and loaded into the imagview,
Just started to learn, also not clear train of thought, isn't that right, is the great god give advice or comments please,

CodePudding user response:

Why don't see the one on the open source code?

CodePudding user response:

Consult the paging query
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