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Nearest neighbour distance of points to the point that are not in the same group


In my dataset, I have points, whose location are given by X and Y, that are grouped by ID. I want to calculate the nearest neighbour (NN) distance of each point to the points in other groups. In other words, if the ID of a point is 1, the code should search for the NND from the points that satisfy ID != 1.

A pseudo-R-code could look like this:

DT[DT, c("nn_dist", "nn_X", "nn_Y") := find_NNN(data.table(i.X, i.Y), .SD[ID != i.ID]), by = .EACHI]

To achieve this, I tried writing an imperative code with loops and such, but it was too slow. I tried using get.knnx function from FNN library but then I couldn't figure out how to get both the NN distance and the position of the NN.

How can I do this calculation on a relatively large (~10,000 rows) dataset?

Here is a tiny portion of the dataset I'm using

structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), X = c(318L, 317L, 1273L, 
1272L), Y = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L), t = c(1, 1, 1, 1), uid = c(1L, 
2L, 1271L, 1272L)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("data.table", 
"data.frame"), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x7f89b481f0e0>)
  • t column is the same for all of the points in the dataset
  • uid is a unique id given to every point, regardless of their position or group, so max(uid) equals to the #rows in the dataset

CodePudding user response:

You can create a small distance function that is passed x, y, and a data frame d of all candidate points (i.e. the x and y values of all the points in other id groups, and returns the coordinates and uid of the nearest inter-group point

dist <- function(x,y,d) d[order(d[,sqrt((X-x)^2   (Y-y)^2)])][1]

Then apply the function to the frame

df[, c("nnX", "nnY", "nn"):=dist(X,Y, df[ID!=.BY$ID,.(X,Y,uid)]),by=.(ID,uid)]


   ID    X Y t  uid  nnX nnY   nn
1:  1  318 1 1    1 1272   2 1272
2:  1  317 2 1    2 1272   2 1272
3:  2 1273 1 1 1271  318   1    1
4:  2 1272 2 1 1272  318   1    1

If you additionally want the distance to that nearest neighbor, you could either update the function and the call to the function like this:

dist <- function(x,y,d) {
  d[, nn_dist:=sqrt((X-x)^2   (Y-y)^2)][order(nn_dist)][1]
df[, c("nnX", "nnY", "nn", "nn_dist"):=dist(X,Y, df[ID!=.BY$ID,.(X,Y,uid)]),by=.(ID,uid)]


   ID    X Y t  uid  nnX nnY   nn  nn_dist
1:  1  318 1 1    1 1272   2 1272 954.0005
2:  1  317 2 1    2 1272   2 1272 955.0000
3:  2 1273 1 1 1271  318   1    1 955.0000
4:  2 1272 2 1 1272  318   1    1 954.0005

or, you could use the first function and estimate the distance at the end using df[, nn_dist := sqrt((X-nnX)^2 (Y-nnY)^2)]

CodePudding user response:

I once had to do a similar job.

The nncross function in the spatstat library can do this work. I don't know how to use data.table, but the following example code should be easy to follow.


# create an example dataframe of 100 points that belong to 10 classes
points <- data.frame(X=rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 1),
                     Y=rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 1),
                     class_id = sample(1:10, size = 100, replace = T))

# convert the dataframe of points to ppp object that can be used as input for nncross function
points.ppp <- as.ppp(points, 
                     W=owin( xrange = range(points$X),yrange = range(points$Y) )

# calculate for each points its NN point that belongs to another class. The "iX" and "iY" arguments are very important to tell the function to calculate only the cross-class distance, please see the help information of the nncross function for details.
NND_which <- nncross(points.ppp,
                 iX = as.integer(points.ppp$marks), 
                 iY = as.integer(points.ppp$marks)

# put the NN pairs as well as the distance between them in a new dataframe
NND_pair <- data.frame(NND_source_id = 1:nrow(points),
                       NND_target_id = NND_which$which,
                       NND_dist = NND_which$dist)

This function should be much faster than loops in R. But if you have extremely large number of points, say billions of points, I recommend writing your own function in C , with the help of Rcpp.

I don't know the FNN library, probably someone else who knows how to use it can compare which function is faster.

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