Home > Mobile >  vue.config.js shows different chunks and size in production build
vue.config.js shows different chunks and size in production build


I've upgraded my application from webpack to [email protected]. But, I'm getting different size and different numbers of chunk in production build output.


    'use strict'
    const path = require('path')
    const defaultSettings = require('./src/settings.js')
    function resolve(dir) {
      return path.join(__dirname, dir)
    const name = defaultSettings.title || 'Product Title' // page title
    const port = process.env.port || process.env.npm_config_port || 9527 // dev port
    module.exports = {
      runtimeCompiler: true,
      publicPath: '/',
      outputDir: 'dist',
      assetsDir: 'static',
      lintOnSave: false,
      productionSourceMap: false,
      devServer: {
        host: 'project.localhost',
        disableHostCheck: false,
        port: port,
        https: true,
        open: true,
        compress: true,
        overlay: {
          warnings: false,
          errors: true,
      css: { extract: true },
      configureWebpack: {
        name: name,
        resolve: {
          alias: {
            '@': resolve('src'),
      chainWebpack(config) {
        config.plugin('html').tap((args) => {
          args[0].filename = 'index.html'
          args[0].template = 'index.html'
          args[0].favicon = resolve('favicon.ico')
          args[0].title = 'Product Title'
          args[0].templateParameters = {
            BASE_URL: '/static',
          return args
        config.plugin('preload').tap(() => [
            rel: 'preload',
            // to ignore runtime.js
            // https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/packages/@vue/cli-service/lib/config/app.js#L171
            fileBlacklist: [/\.map$/, /hot-update\.js$/, /runtime\..*\.js$/],
            include: 'initial',
        // when there are many pages, it will cause too many meaningless requests
        // thumbnail url loader
          .tap((options) => {
            options.limit = 10000
            return options
        // set svg-sprite-loader
            symbolId: 'icon-[name]',
        config.when(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', (config) => {
            .use('script-ext-html-webpack-plugin', [
                // `runtime` must same as runtimeChunk name. default is `runtime`
                inline: /runtime\..*\.js$/,
            chunks: 'all',
            cacheGroups: {
              libs: {
                name: 'chunk-libs',
                test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
                priority: 10,
                chunks: 'initial', // only package third parties that are initially dependent
              elementUI: {
                name: 'chunk-elementUI', // split elementUI into a single package
                priority: 20, // the weight needs to be larger than libs and app or it will be packaged into libs or app
                test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]_?element-ui(.*)/, // in order to adapt to cnpm
              commons: {
                name: 'chunk-commons',
                test: resolve('src/components'), // can customize your rules
                minChunks: 3, //  minimum common number
                priority: 5,
                reuseExistingChunk: true,
          // https:// webpack.js.org/configuration/optimization/#optimizationruntimechunk

And the Output is following:


⠏  Building for dev...

 WARNING  Compiled with 3 warnings                                                                                                                                3:32:20 PM


asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
  static/img/fa-brands-400.1d5619cd.svg (730 KiB)
  static/img/fa-solid-900.37bc7099.svg (897 KiB)
  static/img/fontawesome-webfont.912ec66d.svg (434 KiB)
  static/js/app.57cf5156.js (857 KiB)
  static/js/chunk-elementUI.2bd32906.js (698 KiB)
  static/js/chunk-libs.b0b64aa5.js (4.87 MiB)


entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
  app (6.89 MiB)


webpack performance recommendations: 
You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
For more info visit https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/

  File                                            Size                                                        Gzipped

  dist/static/js/chunk-libs.b0b64aa5.js           4987.71 KiB                                                 1731.28 KiB
  dist/static/js/app.57cf5156.js                  856.52 KiB                                                  254.17 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-elementUI.2bd32906.js      697.86 KiB                                                  170.93 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-elementUI.68c70ad5.css    227.82 KiB                                                  34.54 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-libs.99e7fe66.css         190.53 KiB                                                  38.37 KiB
  dist/static/css/app.e4736649.css                98.98 KiB                                                   19.17 KiB

  Images and other types of assets omitted.

OUTPUT-2 (Expected)

⠼  Building for dev...

 WARNING  Compiled with 2 warnings                                                                                                                                2:53:57 PM


asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
  static/img/fa-brands-400.1d5619cd.svg (730 KiB)
  static/img/fa-solid-900.37bc7099.svg (897 KiB)
  static/img/fontawesome-webfont.912ec66d.svg (434 KiB)
  static/js/chunk-20bce5cc.30df4307.js (995 KiB)
  static/js/chunk-57fa210c.c3888579.js (1.07 MiB)
  static/js/chunk-a65568da.4fdf6ed9.js (338 KiB)
  static/js/chunk-elementUI.4a643ef0.js (698 KiB)
  static/js/chunk-libs.00525053.js (2.83 MiB)


entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
  app (4.15 MiB)

  File                                            Size                                                        Gzipped

  dist/static/js/chunk-libs.00525053.js           2898.95 KiB                                                 1040.47 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-57fa210c.c3888579.js       1091.28 KiB                                                 457.60 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-20bce5cc.30df4307.js       994.52 KiB                                                  211.99 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-elementUI.4a643ef0.js      697.86 KiB                                                  170.93 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-a65568da.4fdf6ed9.js       337.52 KiB                                                  86.54 KiB
  dist/static/js/app.c079bf5b.js                  211.37 KiB                                                  62.93 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-31981e0b.7613ba04.js       193.49 KiB                                                  65.62 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-60d45dd8.839e76cd.js       61.93 KiB                                                   14.38 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-3414ce86.37c45259.js       31.89 KiB                                                   5.23 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-b5efe21a.a3395984.js       7.96 KiB                                                    5.78 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-2d229048.78f49061.js       5.97 KiB                                                    1.79 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-6a52c0e3.a3d9d20a.js       3.24 KiB                                                    1.30 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-2d0d05e9.65c51df1.js       2.73 KiB                                                    1.15 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-be8bf048.fd1f66f4.js       2.05 KiB                                                    0.77 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-c17e5704.f75ec1f8.js       1.59 KiB                                                    0.86 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-4dd1ff3c.ee95460a.js       0.93 KiB                                                    0.53 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-595d9256.91c103e6.js       0.90 KiB                                                    0.49 KiB
  dist/static/js/chunk-2d0f0fdf.cb0ff0f4.js       0.47 KiB                                                    0.34 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-elementUI.68c70ad5.css    227.82 KiB                                                  34.54 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-libs.8f8abf3a.css         184.58 KiB                                                  37.35 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-595d9256.8fe9727b.css     32.46 KiB                                                   5.97 KiB
  dist/static/css/app.d7f6f6a5.css                27.21 KiB                                                   5.77 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-a65568da.8c917c68.css     16.77 KiB                                                   4.25 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-31981e0b.86a967f6.css     15.52 KiB                                                   4.04 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-57fa210c.bda1da5f.css     5.95 KiB                                                    1.36 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-b5efe21a.664d5134.css     4.65 KiB                                                    0.83 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-60d45dd8.c1d37798.css     4.08 KiB                                                    1.35 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-3414ce86.5b57b7c1.css     1.91 KiB                                                    0.70 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-c17e5704.e29807c0.css     0.71 KiB                                                    0.28 KiB
  dist/static/css/chunk-6a52c0e3.1f0ed01a.css     0.05 KiB                                                    0.07 KiB

  Images and other types of assets omitted.

I've tried by cloning fresh repo too. But sometimes it has expected result and most of the time it has unexpected output.


  • Built size is different (Output-2: 4.15 MiB) & (Output-1: 6.82 MiB)
  • Number of Chunks are different (Output-2: 12-CSS, 18-JS) & (Output-1: 3-CSS, 3-JS)
  • With Output-1, Production build is not accepting .env.production Configuration

CodePudding user response:

The problem was occurred after updating from webpack build to vue-cli build. I've fixed by removing old static folder.

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