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Sql management Studio cosmos linkedServer


I trying to create a linkedServer over sql management studio and a cosmos db.

I already created the system data source and the test is fine: enter image description here

But after create the linkedServer when i trying to open this error appears :

enter image description here

I'm creating the linke server with the following command :

USE [master]

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'DEMOCOSMOS', @srvproduct=N'', @provider=N'MSDASQL', @datasrc=N'CosmosDev'

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'DEMOCOSMOS', @useself=N'False', @locallogin=NULL, @rmtuser=NULL, @rmtpassword=NULL


CodePudding user response:

unchecked the "Allow inprocess" option in the MSDASQL provider and reboot the server completely

Sets server options for remote servers and linked servers by sp_serveroption.

To create and Query Azure CosmosDB from a SQL Server Linked Server you can refer this document.

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