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Delay STATE change in React


I'm writing a website. It's a website that uses and fetches data from a stock API to displays stock prices and charts.

I have a search bar which changes state whenever a letter is typed in.. However, it's causing problems because it's instantly updating the state, which then fetches data from the API, and if for example I type in Z - then the API is instalty looking for a stock named "Z" and the app crashes, goes blank ( because such link doesnt exist ). I literally have to copy the stock name like "AAPL" for example and then paste it - for the app to work properly.

  var baseUrl = `https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=${search}&apikey=**********`;

because state of "search" is updated and it's searching for that stock/

Anyways, here's my stock search bar component.

const StockSearchBar = () => {

  const { search, setSearch } = useContext(SearchContext); // i'm using context API to store state so I  can access it across different components

  const handleClick = (e) => {
    if (setSearch !== '') { // if there's something in state, then post data to backend

      const options = 
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type':  'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify({search}),
      const response = fetch(`http://localhost:3001/api/search`, options);

  function handleButtonEvents(e) { // i'm using a function to chain handleClick() and setTimeout() to be run when button is clicked
    setTimeout(() => window.location.reload(), 3000); // delay the function for 3 seconds to give it time to fetch the data and display it, otherwise it might refresh the page without updating it with new data

  const handleSearch = e => {
    setSearch(e.target.value.toUpperCase()); // i think the problem is here - i need to delay setting state

  return (
    <div className="searchBar">
      <label>Look for Stocks or Cryptos: </label>
      <input  type='text' onChange={handleSearch} onKeyPress={(ev) => {
        if (ev.key === "Enter") { handleButtonEvents(); }}} 

{/* search if Enter key is pressed */} // i think the problem is with **onChange** or the handleSearch **function** but not sure how to deal with it

      placeholder={search} required />
      <Button variant="success" type="submit" onClick={handleButtonEvents}  >Search</Button>
    <h1 className="src">{search}</h1> 
{// display state to see if it's changing ( just testing }

export default StockSearchBar;

Let me know if you want to see the context API file, or something else. But I think the probem is in the search bar component.

Thank you in advance for help.

CodePudding user response:

you need to use Debounce in order to create a delay e.g. from lodash. so in your case it would be

  const handleSearch = e => {
    debounce(setSearch(e.target.value.toUpperCase()), 500)// debounce 500 milliseconds

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