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Is there a more idiomatic way to specialise behaviour using flags passed via template?


Apologises for the ambiguous title.

Here is my code:

struct LowHigh
struct HighLow

template < class LookupScheme>
struct ladder_base
    using value_type     = price_depth;
    using ladder_type    = std::vector< value_type >;

    template < class T >
    struct lookup;

    template <>
    struct lookup< LowHigh >
        static constexpr auto func = std::upper_bound< ladder_type::iterator, value_type >;
    template <>
    struct lookup< HighLow >
        static constexpr auto func = std::lower_bound< ladder_type::iterator, value_type >;

    insert(value_type v)
        auto iter = lookup< LookupScheme >::func(std::begin(data_), std::end(data_), v);
        data_.insert(iter, std::move(v));

    std::vector< value_type > data_;
}   // namespace detail

struct bid_ladder : detail::ladder_base< detail::HighLow >

struct offer_ladder : detail::ladder_base< detail::LowHigh >

I'm specialising lookup::func depending on the scheme passed as a template type. There are currently only two possible schemes: LowHigh & HighLow. This has the effect of determining how the underlying vector is sorted.

Is there a more idiomatic/cleaner way to express this logic?

CodePudding user response:

These algorithms take a comparison object as their last parameter - so you can use that to your advantage.

template < class Compare >
struct ladder_base
    using value_type     = price_depth;
    using ladder_type    = std::vector< value_type >;

    insert(value_type v)
        auto iter = std::upper_bound(data_.begin(), data_.end(), v, Compare{} );
        data_.insert(iter, std::move(v));

    std::vector< value_type > data_;

And then use ladder_base<std::less<>> or ladder_base<std::greater<>>, depending on which sort order you want.

Note that std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound are not antonyms, so your original wasn't really correct. lower_bound gives you the first element >= x and upper_bound gives you the first element > x. So changing from one to the other doesn't change your sort order (both require increasing order), only the comparison object affects that.

For instance:

std::vector<int> v = {1, 3, 5, 7};
auto i = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), 3); // this is the 3
auto j = std::upper_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), 3); // this is the 5

Note that the vector is sorted in increasing order, but both calls are perfectly well-formed. If you wanted a reverse sort, you'd have to pass std::greater{} in as the comparison object (as I'm showing).

But either way, you want to use std::upper_bound - regardless of sort order.

CodePudding user response:

The idiomatic way of doing that type of stuff is to have the template parameter contain the code to invoke directly, instead of indirecting through a tag type like you are doing.

Mind you, at that point, you could always just pass std::upper_bound directly as a template parameter.

Furthermore, since this is tagged c 20, you would also ideally use a concept, to constrain the types that can be passed to ladder_base.

#include <concepts>
#include <vector>

using price_depth = int;

template<typename T>
concept LookupScheme = requires (const T& x, const std::vector<price_depth>& v) {
    {x(v.begin(), v.end(), price_depth{})} -> std::same_as<decltype(v.begin())>;

namespace detail {
struct LowHigh {
    template<typename ForwardIt, typename T>
    decltype(auto) operator()(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value ) const {
        return std::upper_bound(first, last, value);

struct HighLow {
    template<typename ForwardIt, typename T>
    decltype(auto) operator()(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value ) const {
        return std::lower_bound(first, last, value);

template <LookupScheme Scheme>
struct ladder_base
    using value_type     = price_depth;
    using ladder_type    = std::vector< value_type >;

    void insert(value_type v)
        auto iter = Scheme::exec(std::begin(data_), std::end(data_), v);
        data_.insert(iter, std::move(v));

    std::vector< value_type > data_;

}   // namespace detail

struct bid_ladder : detail::ladder_base< detail::LowHigh >

struct offer_ladder : detail::ladder_base< detail::HighLow >

You can see the same approach used in the standard library's sorted containers, such a std::map<>'s Compare parameter.

CodePudding user response:

template<class C>
auto lookup(C& c, value_type v) {
  if constexpr(std::same_as<LookupScheme, LowHigh>)
    return std::upper_bound(c.begin(), c.end(), v);
  else if constexpr(std::same_as<LookupScheme, HighLow>)
    return std::lower_bound(c.begin(), c.end(), v);

void insert(value_type v) {
  auto iter = lookup(data_, v);
  data_.insert(iter, std::move(v));
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