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create an awk file to filter out unduplicated lines of a dataset


I have the following dataset and I would like to implement an iteration that checks line by line(awk or for) in an awk file that after executing it in the following way:

gawk -f file.awk dataset.csv

Allow me to get a file with the records without duplicates and the float in the last column rounded to two decimals. Below, I attach a sample of my dataset and as you can see there should be only one record per country.

Country,Other names,ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 CODE,Population,Continent,Total Cases,Total Deaths,Tot Cases//1M pop,Tot Deaths/1M pop,Death percentage
Anguilla,Anguilla,AIA,15237,Latin America and the Caribbean,2700,9,177200,591,0.333333333
Antigua and Barbuda,Antigua and Barbuda,ATG,99348,Latin America and the Caribbean,7493,135,75422,1359,1.801681569
Argentina,Argentina,ARG,45921761,Latin America and the Caribbean,9041124,128065,196881,2789,1.416472111

Since my level is not advanced, I don't mind if the code is long so I can familiarise myself with the steps the code goes through.

awk '{a[$1]  }END{for (i in a)if (a[i]>1)print i;}' file

I found that this command can help in such functionality it would be a shell script in not an awk script.

Finally, as a guidance the following would be the desired output according to the sample posted as there are no duplicates in my sample

Country,Other names,ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 CODE,Population,Continent,Total Cases,Total Deaths,Tot Cases//1M pop,Tot Deaths/1M pop,Death percentage
Anguilla,Anguilla,AIA,15237,Latin America and the Caribbean,2700,9,177200,591,0.33
Antigua and Barbuda,Antigua and Barbuda,ATG,99348,Latin America and the Caribbean,7493,135,75422,1359,1.80
Argentina,Argentina,ARG,45921761,Latin America and the Caribbean,9041124,128065,196881,2789,1.41

Thank you in advance for your help

CodePudding user response:

Your original code:

awk '{a[$1]  }END{for (i in a)if (a[i]>1)print i;}' file

has the test inverted: a[i]>1 should be a[i]==1 to only print unique lines.

Some ways to implement truncation of n to 2 decimal places are:

n = substr(n,1,match(n,/[.]/) 2)

n = sprintf("%0.2f",n)

So your script could be:

BEGIN { FS=OFS="," } # delimit columns by comma
                     # csv must not have embedded commas

NR==1 {print; next} # print header

{ $10 = sprintf("%0.2f", $10) } # truncate column 10
                                # rewrites $0 so uses OFS

{ a[$0]   } # using $0 means entire line must be unique

END { for (i in a) if (a[i]==1) print i } # print unique lines

Given your comment about data cleansing, it would probably be better to use a two-pass approach: use your original code to alert you to erroneous input, then truncate in a separate pass.

Note that if a single column changes you will get what appears to be valid input. These lines are different:


I suppose you wanted to detect this, so your sanity checks need to be more sophisticated.

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