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Dynamically setting a range for MAX() or MIN() functions


I'm working on a gantt chart spreadsheet and trying to make the impossible work (it seems so)

enter image description here

Basically I'm trying to achieve is that dates in U and W columns would have a dynamically set range for min or max functions based on G column value (type of row) so everything that is between two PS (Primary section) and between two S (sections) would be defined as a range.

The catch is that row type is set by user, and the number of rows can be from 1 to N-th, so the fixed MIN or MAX formula is not really an option

Getting the start of the range is easy - basic IF(G13="PS",...,...)

The difficult part, where I need help, is getting the last range row that is just before the next S or PS type.

See example ranges below.

enter image description here

Current achieved result: =MAX(IF(tipas="PS",INDIRECT("U" & ROW(id)),IF(tipas="S",INDIRECT("U" & ROW(id)),"")):U17)

Full cell formula:

    =IFERROR(IF(AND(tipas<>"",tipas="PS"),MAX(INDIRECT("U" & ROW(id):U17),
IF(AND(tipas<>"",tipas="S"),MAX(INDIRECT("U" & ROW(id):U17),
    'formulas to get the date for other types'

tipas is a nemed range for G column

How could I get the U17 value dynamically based on column G value?

CodePudding user response:

Since i don't know what cells are avaiable, let's assume that the range HA:HF is avaiable. Place these formulas accordingly:

HA13 Row of any PS cell. =IF($G13="PS",ROW($G13),"")
HB13 Row of any PS or S cell. =IF(OR($G13="PS",$G13="S"),ROW($G13),"")
HC13 Address of the range for the PS section in the U column (reported on the proper PS row). =IF($G13="PS",IF(OR(OFFSET($G13,1,0)="PS",OFFSET($G13,1,0)=""),"","U"&MAX(HA$13:HA13) 1&":U"&IF(MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HA13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HA:HA),CELL("col",HA:HA),1,1)))-1=0,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($G13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS($G:$G),CELL("col",$G:$G),1,1))="",0),FALSE) ROW($G13),MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HA13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HA:HA),CELL("col",HA:HA),1,1)))-1)),"")
HD13 Address of the range for the S section in the U column (reported on the proper S row). =IF($G13="S",IF(OR(OFFSET($G13,1,0)="PS",OFFSET($G13,1,0)="S",OFFSET($G13,1,0)=""),"","U"&MAX(HB$13:HB13) 1&":U"&IF(MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HB13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HB:HB),CELL("col",HB:HB),1,1)))-1=0,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($G13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS($G:$G),CELL("col",$G:$G),1,1))="",0),FALSE) ROW($G13),MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HB13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HB:HB),CELL("col",HB:HB),1,1)))-1)),"")
HE13 Address of the range for the PS section in the W column (reported on the proper PS row). =IF($G13="PS",IF(OR(OFFSET($G13,1,0)="PS",OFFSET($G13,1,0)=""),"","W"&MAX(HA$13:HA13) 1&":W"&IF(MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HA13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HA:HA),CELL("col",HA:HA),1,1)))-1=0,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($G13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS($G:$G),CELL("col",$G:$G),1,1))="",0),FALSE) ROW($G13),MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HA13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HA:HA),CELL("col",HA:HA),1,1)))-1)),"")
HF13 Address of the range for the S section in the W column (reported on the proper S row). =IF($G13="S",IF(OR(OFFSET($G13,1,0)="PS",OFFSET($G13,1,0)="S",OFFSET($G13,1,0)=""),"","W"&MAX(HB$13:HB13) 1&":W"&IF(MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HB13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HB:HB),CELL("col",HB:HB),1,1)))-1=0,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($G13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS($G:$G),CELL("col",$G:$G),1,1))="",0),FALSE) ROW($G13),MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HB13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HB:HB),CELL("col",HB:HB),1,1)))-1)),"")

Then drag the cells to cover the whole list. You can use an INDIRECT function to integrate the addresses in your formulas. For example:



=MAX(INDIRECT(IF($G13="PS",IF(OR(OFFSET($G13,1,0)="PS",OFFSET($G13,1,0)=""),"","U"&MAX(HA$13:HA13) 1&":U"&IF(MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HA13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HA:HA),CELL("col",HA:HA),1,1)))-1=0,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET($G13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS($G:$G),CELL("col",$G:$G),1,1))="",0),FALSE) ROW($G13),MIN(INDIRECT(CELL("address",OFFSET(HA13,1,0))&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(HA:HA),CELL("col",HA:HA),1,1)))-1)),"")))

I've tried a AGGREGATE based solution, but it appeared to be slower and possibly needed more columns. This solution should be lighter, but in case of a long list it might still be too slow. In such case, a VBA solution might be better with a user defined function. Then again, the questions' tag were excel and excel-formula. I might try a user defined function if needed.

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