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Laravel 9: AWS S3 retreiving a Video to Stream


After updating to Laravel 9.14 with PHP 8.1.4 then streaming has broke that was based on this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/52598361/6825499.

I can see that it is because of a

Call to undefined method League\Flysystem\AwsS3V3\AwsS3V3Adapter::getClient()

So it seems to have been removed in the newest version from league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (3.0.13)

I did find a reference to this SO post which tries to explain there is a workaround now: Get S3Client from storage facade in Laravel 9

This is though too complex for me to understand.

Does anyone know what can be done?

CodePudding user response:

You need to update the PHP version on your server to the latest one. It sounds like the server is still on the PHP 7.x version and that's the issue.

CodePudding user response:

After researching quite a bit I realized that the issue came down to updates described here https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/upgrade#flysystem-3

I ended up altering the code a bit where I use environment variables to fill out what was before provieded by the adapter in the code.

In the latest version of the flysystem there is no longer access to the client via the adapter and this was what broke the service.

For a fully working class then you can use below for laravel 9

namespace App\Http;

use Exception;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemAdapter;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Storage;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;

class S3FileStream
     * Name of adapter
     * @var string
    private $adapterName;

     * Storage disk
     * @var FilesystemAdapter
    private $disk;

     * @var int file end byte
    private $end;

     * @var string
    private $filePath;

     * Human-known filename
     * @var string|null
    private $humanName;

     * @var bool storing if request is a range (or a full file)
    private $isRange = false;

     * @var int|null length of bytes requested
    private $length = null;

     * @var array
    private $returnHeaders = [];

     * @var int file size
    private $size;

     * @var string bucket name
    private $bucket;

     * @var int start byte
    private $start;

     * S3FileStream constructor.
     * @param string $filePath
     * @param string $adapter
     * @param string $humanName
    public function __construct(string $filePath, string $adapter = 's3', ?string $humanName = null)
        $options = [
    'region'            => env("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"),
    'version'           => 'latest'
        $this->filePath    = $filePath;
        $this->adapterName = $adapter;
        $this->disk        = Storage::disk($this->adapterName);
        $this->client     = new \Aws\S3\S3Client($options);
        $this->humanName   = $humanName;
        $this->bucket      = env("AWS_BUCKET");
        //Set to zero until setHeadersAndStream is called
        $this->start = 0;
        $this->size  = 0;
        $this->end   = 0;

     * Output file to client.
    public function output()
        return $this->setHeadersAndStream();

     * Output headers to client.
     * @return Response|StreamedResponse
    protected function setHeadersAndStream()
        if (!$this->disk->exists($this->filePath)) {
            report(new Exception('S3 File Not Found in S3FileStream - ' . $this->adapterName . ' - ' . $this->disk->path($this->filePath)));
            return response('File Not Found', 404);

        $this->start   = 0;
        $this->size    = $this->disk->size($this->filePath);
        $this->end     = $this->size - 1;
        $this->length  = $this->size;
        $this->isRange = false;

        //Set headers
        $this->returnHeaders = [
            'Last-Modified'       => $this->disk->lastModified($this->filePath),
            'Accept-Ranges'       => 'bytes',
            'Content-Type'        => $this->disk->mimeType($this->filePath),
            'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename=' . ($this->humanName ?? basename($this->filePath) . '.' . Arr::last(explode('.', $this->filePath))),
            'Content-Length'      => $this->length,

        //Handle ranges here
        if (!is_null(request()->server('HTTP_RANGE'))) {
            $cStart = $this->start;
            $cEnd   = $this->end;

            $range = Str::after(request()->server('HTTP_RANGE'), '=');
            if (strpos($range, ',') !== false) {
                return response('416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 416, [
                    'Content-Range' => 'bytes */' . $this->size,
            if (substr($range, 0, 1) == '-') {
                $cStart = $this->size - intval(substr($range, 1)) - 1;
            } else {
                $range  = explode('-', $range);
                $cStart = intval($range[0]);

                $cEnd = (isset($range[1]) && is_numeric($range[1])) ? intval($range[1]) : $cEnd;

            $cEnd = min($cEnd, $this->size - 1);
            if ($cStart > $cEnd || $cStart > $this->size - 1) {
                return response('416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 416, [
                    'Content-Range' => 'bytes */' . $this->size,

            $this->start                           = intval($cStart);
            $this->end                             = intval($cEnd);
            $this->length                          = min($this->end - $this->start   1, $this->size);
            $this->returnHeaders['Content-Length'] = $this->length;
            $this->returnHeaders['Content-Range']  = 'bytes ' . $this->start . '-' . $this->end . '/' . $this->size;
            $this->isRange                         = true;

        return $this->stream();

     * Stream file to client.
     * @throws Exception
     * @return StreamedResponse
    protected function stream(): StreamedResponse
        // Create a stream context to allow seeking
        $context = stream_context_create([
            's3' => [
                'seekable' => true,
        // Open a stream in read-only mode
        if (!($stream = fopen("s3://{$this->bucket}/{$this->filePath}", 'rb', false, $context))) {
            throw new Exception('Could not open stream for reading export [' . $this->filePath . ']');
        if (isset($this->start) && $this->start > 0) {
            fseek($stream, $this->start, SEEK_SET);

        $remainingBytes = $this->length ?? $this->size;
        $chunkSize      = 100;

        $video = response()->stream(
            function () use ($stream, $remainingBytes, $chunkSize) {
                while (!feof($stream) && $remainingBytes > 0) {
                    $toGrab = min($chunkSize, $remainingBytes);
                    echo fread($stream, $toGrab);
                    $remainingBytes -= $toGrab;
            ($this->isRange ? 206 : 200),

        return $video;
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