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Truffle tests, Type Error: it is not a function


I am new to testing with java script and also new to writing smart contracts. I have watched some tutorials regarding writing the tests and tried to orientate my test with for example the Metacoin example from truffle.

Now when I try to run my basic first test to get the total supply of my ERC20 token, i get the following error message:

  1. Uncaught error outside test suite

0 passing (2ms) 1 failing

  1. Uncaught error outside test suite: Uncaught TypeError: it is not a function

My test code looks like this:

const { assert } = require("console");
const { it } = require("ethers/wordlists");

const charytoken = artifacts.require("CharyToken"); 

contract("CharyToken test", async accounts => {
    it("should get the Balance of CT of this contract", async() => {
        const instance = await charytoken.deployed(); 
        const ctbalance = await instance.totalSupply.call(); 
        assert.equal(ctbalance.valueOf(), 10000000000000000000000);

If anyone knows what I am doing wrong/ I am missing, I would appreachiate help a lot!

CodePudding user response:

It's because you imported the wrong it. It's not from ethers/wordlist

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