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How can I avoid changing another textbox when I use two-way binding for quantity?


I'm using *ngFor on my mat-card so it will retrieve all the data from my book table. I also add a textbox on my card so the user can input the quantity. I used the two-way binding on my textbox. My problem is when I changed the quantity on the textbox, all the textboxes are also changed. How can I avoid this to happen? See the picture below:

enter image description here

Here's my code:


<div > 
    <mat-card *ngFor="let card of obs | async; let i = index" >
        <img mat-card-image src="{{card.bookimage}}" width="100" height="200">
            <mat-card-subtitle>&#8369;{{card.bookprice.toFixed(2)}}<span *ngIf="card.bookunitstock === 0" >Out of Stock</span></mat-card-subtitle>
            <input type="number" [(ngModel)]="quantity" name="quantity">
            <button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onAddToCartProduct(card)"><mat-icon >add_shopping_cart</mat-icon>Add to cart</button>


public onAddToCartProduct(book: Book): void {
    const formValue = {
      bookid: book.bookid,
      bookimage: book.bookimage,
      bookname: book.bookname,
      bookprice: book.bookprice,
      bookstatus: book.bookstatus,
      cartitemid: 0,
      category: "Fantasy",
      checkoutstatus: true,
      isbn: book.isbn,
      quantity: this.quantity,
      sku: book.sku,
      totalprice: book.bookprice * this.quantity,
      user_userid: 4
      (response: Store) => {
        this.grandTotal  = (formValue.quantity * formValue.bookprice);
      (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
        this.errorMessage("Out -of Stock");

CodePudding user response:

It happens because property this.quantity is used on all cards let card of obs - they all reference the same prop.

Instead you could bind to prop quantity on each individual card with [(ngModel)]="card?.quantity".

And on formValue change accordingly quantity: book.quantity.

Try to stay consistent when naming obj's, so is it a book or a card? Good luck!

Other option would be to use template variable. We take input value from reference #myInput and pass it to method onAddToCartProduct().

            <input type="number" #myInput name="quantity">
            <button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="onAddToCartProduct(card, myInput.value)"><mat-icon >add_shopping_cart</mat-icon>Add to cart</button>
public onAddToCartProduct(book: Book, inputValue: number): void {
    const formValue = {
      bookid: book.bookid,
      bookimage: book.bookimage,
      bookname: book.bookname,
      bookprice: book.bookprice,
      bookstatus: book.bookstatus,
      cartitemid: 0,
      category: "Fantasy",
      checkoutstatus: true,
      isbn: book.isbn,
      quantity: inputValue, // <-----
      sku: book.sku,
      totalprice: book.bookprice * inputValue, // <-----
      user_userid: 4
      (response: Store) => {
        this.grandTotal  = (formValue.quantity * formValue.bookprice);
      (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
        this.errorMessage("Out -of Stock");
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