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Pandas groupby and transitivity property


I have a dataframe describing for each transaction (TX_ID) which addresses have been used.

For simplicity, the dataframe could look like this:

TX_ID Address
1     "address2"
2     "address3"
2     "address1"
1     "address1"
2     "address4"
3     "address50"

I wish to identify clusters according to two simple rules:

  • All addresses used in a transaction belong to the same cluster c
  • Transitivity: if an address appears in multiple transactions, the transitivity property applies and all addresses in such transactions belong to the same cluster

For instance, according to the previous dataframe I would expect:

# CLUSTER1: ['address1', 'address2', 'address3', 'address4']
# CLUSTER2: ['address50']

I started by grouping on TX_ID to have all addresses used in each transaction:

df = df.groupby('tx_id')

TX_ID Address
1     "address1"
1     "address2"
2     "address1"
2     "address3"
2     "address4"
3     "address50"

After that I don't know how I could group them according to the transitivity rule without iterating over the groups and doing some checks. Is there a easier way? Thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

This can be seen as a network problem. You can form the links between all TX_IDs through the addresses and then look for disconnected groups.

Once we've formed the clusters, we can map those labels back to the original DataFrame based on the TX_ID an then aggregate to get all of the addresses within those groups.

Sample Data

import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
df = pd.DataFrame({'TX_ID': [1,2,2,1,2,3], 
                   'Address': ['address2', 'address3', 'address1', 'address1', 
                               'address4', 'address50']})


# This will create all pair-wise combinations of Addresses within TX_ID
def gen_pairs(df, gp_col):
    nwk = df[['TX_ID', gp_col]].merge(df[['TX_ID', gp_col]], on=gp_col).drop(columns=gp_col)
    nwk = nwk.drop_duplicates()
    return nwk

# All pair-wise combinations of Address
dfn = gen_pairs(df, 'Address')

# Create the graph
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(dfn, source='TX_ID_x', target='TX_ID_y')

# Visualize which TX_IDs are linked. Not necessary, just for illustration
ax,fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4))
nx.draw(G, node_size=30, with_labels=True, font_size=15, edge_color='#1f77b4')

enter image description here

def connected_component_subgraphs(G):
    for c in nx.connected_components(G):
        yield [x for x in G.subgraph(c)]
grps =  [*connected_component_subgraphs(G)]

# Uniquely label each gruop
d = dict((k, i) for i in range(len(l)) for k in l[i])

# Bring label back to original DataFrame
df['cluster'] = df['TX_ID'].map(d)
#   TX_ID    Address  cluster
#0      1   address2        0
#1      2   address3        0
#2      2   address1        0
#3      1   address1        0
#4      2   address4        0
#5      3  address50        1   


# Aggregate by these clusters
#0    {address2, address1, address4, address3}
#1                                 {address50}
#Name: Address, dtype: object
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