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Ionic Angular Passing data between views


I want to create 3 Pages where ;

In page A there's a formgroup, after it fills and click submit btn, then it will go to the Page B.

In Page B there's only a confirmation statement. so user only have to choose Agree or Disagree.

If user choose Agree on Page B then goes to Page C and shown all information/data from Page A.

My question is, is it possible to pass the data(name,email,id) from page A directly to C while the flow of the views must be A > B > C.

Can i achieve this with ionic angular?

This is the example of the pages flow

CodePudding user response:

You can save the data in a subject inside a service in page A, and subscribe to the subject in page C to receive the data. Same thing can be achieved with ngrx or any other state management library.

Simple example:


// the service that has the subject that keeps the data
private data$ = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);

setData(data: any){

  return this.data$.asObservable();




  this.dataService.getData().subscribe(data => {
    // do whatever you want with the data

CodePudding user response:

You can create a Static Class to pass your data.

ionic g service globaldata

which you can share data.

inside your page A:

import {GlobalDataServe} from 'GlobaldataServer.ts'

  GlobalDataServe.yourDataVariable = yourDataOnPageA;

Nothing to do on page B;

on page C import same class and get data

import {GlobalDataServe} from 'GlobaldataServer.ts

 this.yourData = GlobalDataServe.yourDataVariable;
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