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LINQ method to count how many students have at least one greatest grade in subject


We have list of students and grades. Students have ID, Surname, Name, ProgrammeID, while the grades class: StudentID, SubjectCode, Date and Value.

The main idea is to find all students that have at least one greatest grade (Grade class -> Value >= 10) in all subject that he attends to.

I should mention that all of this information (Student and Grade) are stored in separated List.

Student and Grade class looks like this:

class Student
    public string ID { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string ProgrammeID { get; set; }

    public Student(string id, string surname, string name, string programmeID)
        this.ID = id;
        this.Surname = surname;
        this.Name = name;
        this.ProgrammeID = programmeID;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Join("; ", ID, Surname, Name, ProgrammeID);

class Grade
    public string StudentID { get; set; }
    public string SubjectCode { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public int Value { get; set; }

    public Grade(string studentID, string subjectCode, DateTime date, int value)
        this.StudentID = studentID;
        this.SubjectCode = subjectCode;
        this.Date = date;
        this.Value = value;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Join("; ", StudentID, SubjectCode, Date, Value);

Example: We have three attendees and three marks: (Only Student that has code - B13798 should be displayed, because the Student that has code - B13799, has value of 10 in only one of the provided two subjects)

atendees.Add(new Student("B13799", "Surname0", "Name0", "P175B123"));
atendees.Add(new Student("B13799", "Surname0", "Name0", "P175B122"));
atendees.Add(new Student("B13798", "Surname1", "Name1", "P175B123"));

marks.Add(new Grade("B13799", "P175B123", DateTime.Parse("2021-01-02 12:45:36"), 10));
marks.Add(new Grade("B13799", "P175B122", DateTime.Parse("2021-01-02 12:45:36"), 9));
marks.Add(new Grade("B13798", "P175B123", DateTime.Parse("2021-01-02 12:45:36"), 10));

CodePudding user response:

Try this

First group the marks to find the highest mark for each student and subject

var group1 = (from r in marks group r by new { r.StudentID, r.SubjectCode } into results 
select new { results.Key.StudentID, results.Key.SubjectCode, max = results.Max(x => x.Value)});

Then group these results by student

var group2 = (from r in group1 group r by r.StudentID into results select results);

Finally select just those students who have a 10 for every subject

var list = (from r in group2 where r.All(a=>a.max == 10) select r.Key).ToList()

CodePudding user response:

You could

  • create one group of marks per student by grouping marks by StudentId
  • for each such group (marksForStudent), create one group of marks per subject by grouping marksForStudent by SubjectCode
  • for each student, verify whether each such group (marksForSubject) contains at least one mark that passes your given requirement
  • filter which students are of interest based on this verification
  • select the StudentId of the students of interest

It may be implemented like this:

List<Student> attendees;
List<Grade> marks;

// Populate lists

var threshold = 10;

var filteredAttendeeIds = marks
    .GroupBy(mark => mark.StudentID)
    .Where(marksForStudent => marksForStudent
        .GroupBy(mark => mark.SubjectCode)
        .All(marksForSubject => marksForSubject
            .Any(mark => mark.Value >= threshold)))
    .Select(marksForStudent => marksForStudent.Key);

The students can then be found by intersecting the filtered student IDs by the student list:

var filteredAttendees = attendees
    .IntersectBy(filteredAttendeeIds, attendee => attendee.ID);

Example fiddle here.

Note: This implementation assumes that for each Student.ProgrammeID in attendees, there is in fact an existing Grade object in marks.

Side note:
I would recommend replacing the Student's string ProgrammeID property with IEnumerable<string> ProgrammeIds, and collect all the student's programme IDs there. That way, you can define each student once, rather than defining the same student for each and every programme they attend.

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