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How to extract a specific table from an url via Python?


I am currently looking at the following Link:


There is a table that displays all Positions of the ETF. My goal is to extract the table and save it to a xlsx file. I wrote a code:

import requests
import pandas as pd

url = 'https://www.ishares.com/de/privatanleger/de/produkte/251931/ishares-stoxx-europe-600-ucits-etf-de-fund'
html = requests.get(url).content
df_list = pd.read_html(html)
df = df_list[-1]
df.to_excel('my data.xlsx')

However, when I try pd.read_html(html) it show me always that no tables could have been found on the website. Does somebody know how to identify and pull the desired table via Python?

CodePudding user response:

The problem is that the website uses cookies, so, when you use the default link, it redirects you to a first page that needs you to click in a button to accept cookies. And then you go to the right page. I encountered the right URL, that goes straight to the main page that you are looking for, try this:

url = 'https://www.ishares.com/de/privatanleger/de/produkte/251931/ishares-stoxx-europe-600-ucits-etf-de-fund?switchLocale=y&siteEntryPassthrough=true'

html = requests.get(url).content
df_list = pd.read_html(html)

Here is my Output:

[Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Ex-Tag, Fälligkeitsdatum, Gesamtausschüttung]
Index: [], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Ex-Tag, Fälligkeitsdatum, Gesamtausschüttung]
Index: [],             Unnamed: 0  2012  2013  2014  2015  ...  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021
0    Gesamtrendite (%)   177   210    74   108  ...   108  -110   276   -19   251
1  Vergleichsindex (%)   178   212    72    96  ...   106  -108   268   -20   249

[2 rows x 11 columns],                             Unnamed: 0  ...  Von 31.Mär.2021Bis 31.Mär.2022
0    Gesamtrendite (%) Per 31.Mär.2022  ...                             863
1  Vergleichsindex (%) Per 31.Mär.2022  ...                             849

[2 rows x 6 columns],             Unnamed: 0   1J   3J   5J  10J  Seit Auflage
0    Gesamtrendite (%)  197  894  538  940           651
1  Vergleichsindex (%)  178  879  522  920           636,             Unnamed: 0  Seit 1.1.  1M  3M  ...    3J    5J    10J  Seit Auflage
0    Gesamtrendite (%)       -736 -80 -43  ...  2929  2994  14548         21694
1  Vergleichsindex (%)       -755 -92 -65  ...  2874  2896  14119         20904

[2 rows x 10 columns], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Emittententicker, Name, Sektor, Anlageklasse, Marktwert, Gewichtung (%), Nominalwert, Nominale, ISIN, Kurs, Standort, Börse, Marktwährung]
Index: [], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Kategorie, Fonds]
Index: [], Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Kategorie, Fonds]
Index: [],                        Börse Ticker  ... Common Code (EOC) iNAV ISIN
0                      Xetra   EXSA  ...        186 794 77         -
1  Bolsa Mexicana De Valores   EXSA  ...                 -         -
2             Borsa Italiana   EXSA  ...                 -         -
3         SIX Swiss Exchange   EXSA  ...                 -         -

[4 rows x 14 columns]]

Process finished with exit code 0

CodePudding user response:

This is how you would use Selenium:

from Selenium import webdriver  
import time  
from Selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys  
driver = webdriver.Chrome()  
#maximize the window size  
#navigate to the url  
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