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How to type updateQueryData in redux-toolkit


I have implemented succesfully an optimistic update in redux-toolkit. But I am not able to type it correctly. My code is similar to the example of redux-toolkit.

const postsApiSlice = api.injectEndpoints({
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    getPost: builder.query<Post, number>({
      query: (id) => ROUTES.POST(id),
      providesTags: (result, error, id) => {
        return [{ type: POST_TAG, id }]
    updatePostWithOptimism: builder.mutation<void, Pick<Post, 'id'> & Partial<Post>>({
      query: ({ id, ...patch }) => ({
        url: ROUTES.POST(id),
        method: 'PATCH',
        body: patch,
      async onQueryStarted({ id, ...patch }, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) {
        // ERROR at 'getPost': Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.ts(2345)
        const manualGetPostUpdate = dispatch(api.util.updateQueryData('getPost', id, (draft) => {
          Object.assign(draft, patch)
        try {
          await queryFulfilled
        } catch {

CodePudding user response:

The type of api does not know about the getPost endpoint. Use the injected api (postsApiSlice.util.updateQueryData) instead.

Also, on a sidenote: your api naming kinda indicates (I could be wrong) that you are adding that "injected" api into the configureStore call too as it's own slice. You don't need to do that - just adding api in configureStore is enough.

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