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One record but select two without Union clause, how to?


I have a table like this..

taxtype taxable taxfree
mixed 10 20

My question is, how to get the outcome like this without Union clause?

taxtype taxable taxfree
taxable 10 0
taxfree 0 20

which means, this is not what I am looking for

select taxtype,taxable,taxfree into #tb
from (values('mixed',10,20)) tb(taxtype,taxable,taxfree)

select 'taxable' taxtype,
        0 taxfree
from #tb
union all
select 'taxfree',
from #tb

drop table if exists #tb

CodePudding user response:

use table values constructor

select v.*
from   #tb t
       cross apply
           ('taxable', taxable, 0),
           ('taxfree', 0, taxfree)
       ) v (taxtype, taxable, taxfree)

CodePudding user response:

Unfortunately, despite of the smart support of Squirrel, I accepted Union as my final solution. Just to add some revision..

select taxtype,taxable,taxfree into #src
from (
    ) src(taxtype,taxable,taxfree)

select  res.*
from    #src s
        cross apply
        (select *
        from (
               ('taxable', s.taxable, 0, s.taxtype),
               ('taxfree', 0, s.taxfree, s.taxtype)
        ) v (taxtype, taxable, taxfree, origin)
        where not (v.taxable = 0 and v.taxfree = 0)) res

drop table if exists #src
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