uint8_t parityDecoder(uint8_t byte)
uint8_t p2Circle, p1Circle, p0Circle;
uint8_t d3, d2, d1, d0, p2, p1, p0;
// Putting each bit to a variable
p0 = (byte & BIT0);
p1 = (byte & BIT1) >> 1;
p2 = (byte & BIT2) >> 2;
d0 = (byte & BIT3) >> 3;
d1 = (byte & BIT4) >> 4;
d2 = (byte & BIT5) >> 5;
d3 = (byte & BIT6) >> 6;
// Check if the 3 data bits on one side is odds or even
p0Circle = (d0 d1 d2) % 2;
p1Circle = (d0 d1 d3) % 2;
p2Circle = (d1 d2 d3) % 2;
// pinpoints which data bit is toggled by comparing with a parity bit
if ((p0Circle != p0) & (p1Circle != p1))
d0 ^= 1;
if ((p0Circle != p0) & (p2Circle != p2))
d2 ^= 1;
if ((p1Circle != p1) & (p2Circle != p2))
d3 ^= 1;
// Not working
if ((p0Circle != p0) && (p1Circle != p1) && (p2Circle != p2))
d1 ^= 1;
return (((((((byte << 8) | (d3 << 6)) | (d2 << 5)) | (d1 << 4)) | (d0 << 3)) | (p2 << 2)) | (p1 << 1)) | p0;
So I have a parity error correction function. what this function does is when there is a byte and one of its bits is toggled, it will toggle it back to normal again.
My problem is when all 3 circles are not equal
then d1 should toggle but in this case it does something else.
I tried testing the function and this is the output
expectedByte = 0b00100101; // decimal 37
inputByte = 0b0 0110 101; // decimal 53 because 5th bit is toggled
The output of this function is 77 which is 0b01001101
I can't see where the error in my calculations is and in need of help.
CodePudding user response:
Note that when all 3 circles are not equal, the all pairs of 2 circles are also not equal.
You can prevent bit flips for pairs of 2 circles using else
if ((p0Circle != p0) && (p1Circle != p1) && (p2Circle != p2))
d1 ^= 1;
// pinpoints which data bit is toggled by comparing with a parity bit
if ((p0Circle != p0) & (p1Circle != p1))
d0 ^= 1;
if ((p0Circle != p0) & (p2Circle != p2))
d2 ^= 1;
if ((p1Circle != p1) & (p2Circle != p2))
d3 ^= 1;