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How to edit data from a form in a sheet to another form with the Data using VBA?


ive been learning VBA and Excel in the past 2 weeks by my own during my free time, but sometimes we need some help, and currently ive no one to help besides the internet. So ive developed a Form(Sheet1) in a sheet using shapes and excel cells so the user could perform operations like insert,update, new register to the other sheet(Data) which is my Data Sheet or DataTable more specifically. But im struggling to get the update button to work. i could definitely use some help.

Heres my code:

Public Upda As String

Sub Search()
    ' Search Macro
    Dim Sheet As String, ans

    On Error GoTo Erro:


    Sheet = Data.Name

    ans = InputBox("Write down the ID", "Search")

    If ans = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim C
    With Worksheets(Data).Range("A:A")

    Set C = .Find(ans, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)

    If Not C Is Nothing Then

     Sheet1.Cells(17, 9).Value = C.Value ' Id
     Sheet1.Cells(9, 4).Value = C.Offset(0, 1).Value ' Name
     ' here goes the other fields to be inserted

     Upda = Sheet1.Cells(17, 9).Text

    MsgBox "Insert a valid ID", vbCritical, "Search"

    End If

    End With

    Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Something went wrong, contact the Adm!", vbCritical, "Erro"
End Sub

'Update macro need to get a fix
Sub Update()

'update macro

Dim Sheet As String

On Error GoTo Erro
If IsEmpty(Range("I17")) Or IsEmpty(Range("D9"))  Then ' there are more fields to validate
  MsgBox "All the fields must have a value", vbExclamation, "Upda"

If Upda = "" Then

 MsgBox "Please retry the search", vbExclamation, "Update"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim C

Sheet = Data.Name

With Worksheets(Sheet).Range("A:A")

    Set C = .Find(Upda, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)

If Not C Is Nothing Then


    ActiveCell.Value = Sheet1.Cells(17, 9).Text ' ID
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(9, 4).Text   ' Name
  'Update the table with the contents of the form1
         ' remaining code to clear the contents of the form sheet1
    Upda = ""

    'Call clear
MsgBox "ID number not found", vcCritical, "Update"

End If
End With

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Something went wrong, contact the Adm!", vbCritical, "ERRO"
End Sub

Sub clear()
' clear Macro
    ' remaining code to cleear the contents of the form sheet1
    Upda = ""
End Sub

Each one of those macros are associated with a Button(Shape), evrything is working besides the Update one.

Im getting the follow error which makes no sense to me

enter image description here

PS:if u need more information please let me know

CodePudding user response:

You are missing the End if statement for the first If in the below block of code:

If IsEmpty(Range("I17")) Or IsEmpty(Range("D9"))  Then ' there are more fields to validate
  MsgBox "All the fields must have a value", vbExclamation, "Upda"
End if 'Missing If in the original code

If Upda = "" Then

 MsgBox "Please retry the search", vbExclamation, "Update"
Exit Sub
End If
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