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Finding non-consecutive increase over last 6 rows - alternatives to for loop in R?


I'm looking for instances in my dataset where 4 of the last 6 samples show progressively increasing concentrations. I've worked out the logic of a series of if statements but I'm having trouble applying it to my data. I was planning on using cbind to attach the list to my dataset but the list ends up with 28 values and my data only has 24 rows.

I can't figure out what's happening with the for loop and have read that it's not a great way to do things anyways so I'm looking for alternatives.

EDIT: I've added some photos of two specific examples where suggested answers fail. The trouble seems to be that the "simple" solutions look for increases between consecutive points only. I'm looking for four points over each set of six that increase.

Row 16 and Row 20 plots

Here is some of the data:

SAMPLE_DATE <- c("2013-08-02", "2014-06-13", "2015-09-03", "2016-06-12", "2016-09-27", "2017-05-30", "2017-05-30", "2017-09-14", "2017-09-14", "2017-12-02", "2018-03-29", "2018-06-05", "2018-10-19", "2019-02-27", "2019-06-04", "2019-08-28", "2019-10-22", "2020-02-04", "2020-06-06", "2020-08-26", "2020-10-23", "2021-02-01", "2021-06-15", "2021-08-03")
REPORT_RESULT_VALUE <- c(0.1470, 0.0623, 1.4600, 0.1810, 0.0509, 0.0801, 0.0801, 0.0999, 0.0980, 0.0820, 0.0698, 0.0884, 0.1060, 0.1010, 0.0984, 0.1050, 0.1100, 0.0980, 0.1000, 0.1090, 0.1050, 0.0662, 0.0944, 0.1220)

And here is what I've attempted:

Groundwater_ST1 <- vector("list")
    for (i in seq_along(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE)) {
        if (i >= 6) {
            a <- i-5
            b <- i-4
            c <- i-3
            d <- i-2
            e <- i-1
            #If i > 3 of first 5 samples
            if (sum(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[i]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[a:e]) >= 3) {
                #If i>E and E > 2 of first 4 samples
                if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[i]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[e]]) & 
                    (sum(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[e]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[a:d]) > 2)) {
                    #if E>D and D > 1 of first 3 samples
                    if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[e]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[d]]) &
                        (sum(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[d]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[a:c]) >= 1)) {
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = TRUE
                    #If E>C and C > 1 of first 2 sampels
                    }else if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[e]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[c]]) & 
                              (sum(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[c]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[a:b]) >= 1)) {
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = TRUE
                    #If E>B and B>A
                    }else if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[e]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[b]]) & 
                              (GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[b]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[a]])) {
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = TRUE
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = FALSE
                #If i>D and D > 2 of first 3 samples
                }else if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[i]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[d]]) &
                          (sum(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[d]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[a:c]) >= 2)) {
                    #If D>C and C > 1 of first 2 samples
                    if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[d]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[c]]) & 
                        (sum(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[c]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[a:b]) >= 1)) {
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = TRUE
                    #If D>B and B>A
                    }else if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[d]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[b]]) & 
                               (GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[b]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[a]])) {
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = TRUE
                        Groundwater_ST1[i] = FALSE
                #If i > c > b > a
                }else if ((GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[i]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[c]]) &
                          (GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[c]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[b]) &
                          (GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[b]] > GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE[[a]])) {
                    Groundwater_ST1[i] = TRUE
                    Groundwater_ST1[i] = FALSE
                Groundwater_ST1[i] = FALSE                }
            Groundwater_ST1[i] = FALSE

CodePudding user response:

Would this work? I'm assuming that if the change between a value and its previous value is greater than 0, there was an increase and if this happens 4 or more times within six consecutive values, your condition Groundwater_ST1 == TRUE:


dat %>%
  mutate(change = dat$val - lag(dat$val)) %>%
  mutate(incr = change > 0) %>%
  mutate(roll_sum = roll_sum(incr, 6, align = "right", fill = NA)) %>%
  mutate(Groundwater_ST1 = roll_sum >= 4)


         date    val  change  incr roll_sum Groundwater_ST1
1  2013-08-02 0.1470      NA    NA       NA              NA
2  2014-06-13 0.0623 -0.0847 FALSE       NA              NA
3  2015-09-03 1.4600  1.3977  TRUE       NA              NA
4  2016-06-12 0.1810 -1.2790 FALSE       NA              NA
5  2016-09-27 0.0509 -0.1301 FALSE       NA              NA
6  2017-05-30 0.0801  0.0292  TRUE       NA              NA
7  2017-05-30 0.0801  0.0000 FALSE        2           FALSE
8  2017-09-14 0.0999  0.0198  TRUE        3           FALSE
9  2017-09-14 0.0980 -0.0019 FALSE        2           FALSE
10 2017-12-02 0.0820 -0.0160 FALSE        2           FALSE
11 2018-03-29 0.0698 -0.0122 FALSE        2           FALSE
12 2018-06-05 0.0884  0.0186  TRUE        2           FALSE
13 2018-10-19 0.1060  0.0176  TRUE        3           FALSE
14 2019-02-27 0.1010 -0.0050 FALSE        2           FALSE
15 2019-06-04 0.0984 -0.0026 FALSE        2           FALSE
16 2019-08-28 0.1050  0.0066  TRUE        3           FALSE
17 2019-10-22 0.1100  0.0050  TRUE        4            TRUE
18 2020-02-04 0.0980 -0.0120 FALSE        3           FALSE
19 2020-06-06 0.1000  0.0020  TRUE        3           FALSE
20 2020-08-26 0.1090  0.0090  TRUE        4            TRUE
21 2020-10-23 0.1050 -0.0040 FALSE        4            TRUE
22 2021-02-01 0.0662 -0.0388 FALSE        3           FALSE
23 2021-06-15 0.0944  0.0282  TRUE        3           FALSE
24 2021-08-03 0.1220  0.0276  TRUE        4            TRUE


dat <- data.frame(
  date =c("2013-08-02", "2014-06-13", "2015-09-03", "2016-06-12", "2016-09-27", "2017-05-30", "2017-05-30", "2017-09-14", "2017-09-14", "2017-12-02", "2018-03-29", "2018-06-05", "2018-10-19", "2019-02-27", "2019-06-04", "2019-08-28", "2019-10-22", "2020-02-04", "2020-06-06", "2020-08-26", "2020-10-23", "2021-02-01", "2021-06-15", "2021-08-03"),
  val = c(0.1470, 0.0623, 1.4600, 0.1810, 0.0509, 0.0801, 0.0801, 0.0999, 0.0980, 0.0820, 0.0698, 0.0884, 0.1060, 0.1010, 0.0984, 0.1050, 0.1100, 0.0980, 0.1000, 0.1090, 0.1050, 0.0662, 0.0944, 0.1220))

CodePudding user response:

I think we could do this by counting the number of cumulative increases, then looking to see how the increases have changed over a window of 6 values.

GWSubsetData %>%
  mutate(increases = cumsum(REPORT_RESULT_VALUE > lag(REPORT_RESULT_VALUE, default = 0)),
         n_incr_last_6 = increases - lag(increases, 6, default = 0),
         flag = n_incr_last_6 >= 4)

   SAMPLE_DATE REPORT_RESULT_VALUE increases n_incr_last_6  flag
1   2013-08-02              0.1470         1             1 FALSE
2   2014-06-13              0.0623         1             1 FALSE
3   2015-09-03              1.4600         2             2 FALSE
4   2016-06-12              0.1810         2             2 FALSE
5   2016-09-27              0.0509         2             2 FALSE
6   2017-05-30              0.0801         3             3 FALSE
7   2017-05-30              0.0801         3             2 FALSE
8   2017-09-14              0.0999         4             3 FALSE
9   2017-09-14              0.0980         4             2 FALSE
10  2017-12-02              0.0820         4             2 FALSE
11  2018-03-29              0.0698         4             2 FALSE
12  2018-06-05              0.0884         5             2 FALSE
13  2018-10-19              0.1060         6             3 FALSE
14  2019-02-27              0.1010         6             2 FALSE
15  2019-06-04              0.0984         6             2 FALSE
16  2019-08-28              0.1050         7             3 FALSE
17  2019-10-22              0.1100         8             4  TRUE
18  2020-02-04              0.0980         8             3 FALSE
19  2020-06-06              0.1000         9             3 FALSE
20  2020-08-26              0.1090        10             4  TRUE
21  2020-10-23              0.1050        10             4  TRUE
22  2021-02-01              0.0662        10             3 FALSE
23  2021-06-15              0.0944        11             3 FALSE
24  2021-08-03              0.1220        12             4  TRUE

Base R equivalent:

GWSubsetData$incr = cumsum(c(1, diff(GWSubsetData$REPORT_RESULT_VALUE) > 0))
GWSubsetData$flag = (GWSubsetData$incr - lag(GWSubsetData$incr, 6, default = 0)) >= 4
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