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Stripe Checkout session with total price and not unit_price


I'm working on a project currently. and I'm making use of stripe, the stripe.checkout.session.create function works perfectly.

const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
  line_items: [
      price_data: {
        currency: "usd",
        unit_amount: 500,
        product_data: {
          name: "name of the product",
      quantity: 1,
  mode: "payment",
  success_url: "http://example.com/success",
  cancel_url: "http://example.com/",

but the only issue i have is it receives only unit price.

but i want a field where i can pass only total Price, cause in my code , if the users applys a discount to a product , it deducts it from the product total price meanwhile the unit price for each product is stable.

My question is basically is there a field where i can pass total price.

CodePudding user response:

Short answer is that you can't. You need to use the line_items parameter and either pass a Price object ID (price_xxx) or use ad-hoc pricing with the price_data parameter. Checkout will then compute the total from all line items, factoring in any discounts that you provide.

You have a couple of options to achieve the behaviour you want:

  • Re-calculate the price_data.unit_amount value to reflect the discount applied by your customers.
  • Utilise Stripe coupons to apply to the Checkout Session which will take care of the dedication for you.
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