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Type of React components for arrays


We usually use React.FC<Props> as return type of the react functional component

For the following component

const MyComponent = ({myArray}) => {
    return myArray.map(
        (item, index) => <span key={index} className='foo'>{item}</span>

if we wrap the returned value with Fragment we can use React.FC<Props> but without Fragment how can I prevent errors like Initializer type ({myArray}: {myArray: any}) => any is not assignable to variable type React.FC<Props>

CodePudding user response:

There's no pretty solution for this yet. It's an open issue in Typescript

There are two workarounds:

  1. Wrap the array with fragment:

        (item, index) => <span key={index} className='foo'>{item}</span>
  2. cast the JSX Elements array to any type:

      (item, index) => <span key={index} className='foo'>{item}</span>
    ) as any

Reference from DefinitelyTyped: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/20356

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