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unable to understand pandas index selection working


I am just exploring some code and then I saw this I am trying to understand this code df.columns[df.isna().any()] I know that is returning a column that has null value but what funcntionality work here df.isna().any give me series with column name and bool like this

Survived       False
Pclass         False
Name           False
Sex            False
Age             True
SibSp          False
Parch          False
Ticket         False
Fare           False
Cabin           True
Embarked        True
dtype: bool

but I am just confused how this functionality work.

CodePudding user response:

If you want to know if DataFrame has a NaN value, you can use the isnull().values.any() method that returns True if DataFrame has a NaN value. False if there is no NaN entry in the DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

                'Student':['Hisila', 'Shristi','Zeppy','Alina','Jerry'],

check_for_nan = df.isnull().values.any()
print (check_for_nan)



df.isnull().values returns the NumPy representation of the data frame. numpy.any() returns True if any of the elements are evaluated as True.

Therefore, if there is a NaN in the data frame, df.isnull().values.any() is True.

Check if there's a NaN
df.any() returns which element is true. If df is a data frame, pd.Series, df pd.Series returns a Boolean value.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

                'Student':['Hisila', 'Shristi','Zeppy','Alina','Jerry'],

check_for_nan = df.isnull().any().any()




pandas.DataFrame.isna() method

The method for pandas.DataFrame.isna() is as follows: panas.DataFrame.isnull(). There is no difference in the operation of the two methods. Only the name is different.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

                'Student':['Hisila', 'Shristi','Zeppy','Alina','Jerry'],


check_for_any_nan= df.isna().values.any()
# Or
check_for_any_nan= df.isna().any().any()
total_nan_values = df.isna().sum().sum()
print("NaN Presence:" str(check_for_any_nan))
print ("Total Number of NaN values:" str(total_nan_values))


   Student  Height  Weight
0    False   False    True
1    False   False   False
2    False    True   False
3    False    True    True
4    False   False   False
NaN Presence:True
Total Number of NaN values:4

If you want to know the number of missing values, do the following



Student    0
Height     2
Weight     2
dtype: int64

Also you use df.info() can check null

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5 entries, 0 to 4
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   Student  5 non-null      object 
 1   Height   3 non-null      float64
 2   Weight   3 non-null      float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 248.0  bytes

CodePudding user response:

I think enter image description here

  1. df.isna() checks if each cell is none or nan
  2. df.isna().any() further checks if there is any True in column
  3. df.columns[df.isna().any()] is boolean indexing which keeps True
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