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Property 'posts' is missing in type 'Series' but required in type '{...}�


i'm building a blog with nextjs and using https://github.com/leerob/leerob.io then i add the series to the detailed post. I got an error like this. vscode error message as shown below and how to fix it?

enter image description here

below are the files

  • file contentlayer.ts
import { Blog } from "contentlayer/generated"

export const getPartialPost = (
  { title, slug, summary, image, body, series }: Blog,
  allBlogs: Blog[],
) => ({
  body: {
    code: body.code,
  series: series
    ? {
        title: series.title,
        posts: allBlogs
          .filter((p) => p.series?.title === series.title)
            (a, b) =>
              Number(new Date(a.publishedAt)) - Number(new Date(b.publishedAt)),
          .map((p) => {
            return {
              title: p.title,
              slug: p.slug,
              status: p.status,
              isCurrent: p.slug === slug,
    : null,
  • file PostSeries.tsx
import { FOCUS_VISIBLE_OUTLINE, LINK_STYLES } from "lib/constants"
import { getPartialPost } from "lib/contentlayer"
import cx from "clsx"
import Link from "next/link"
import React from "react"

export const PostSeries = ({
}: {
  data: NonNullable<ReturnType<typeof getPartialPost>["series"]>
}) => {
  return (
    <div className="my-8 rounded-2xl bg-white/5 p-6 shadow-surface-elevation-low lg:-mx-8 lg:px-8 lg:py-7">
      <div className="text-sm uppercase text-rose-100/50">Series</div>
      <div className="text-xl font-medium text-rose-100/90">{data.title}</div>

      <hr className="my-5 border-t-2 border-rose-300/5" />

        {data.posts.map((p) => (
              "relative my-3 pl-7 before:absolute before:left-1 before:top-[9px] before:h-1.5 before:w-1.5 before:rounded-full",
                "before:bg-rose-300/90 before:ring-[3px] before:ring-purple-400/20 before:ring-offset-1 before:ring-offset-black/10":
                  p.status === "published" && !p.isCurrent,
                "before:bg-rose-100/10": p.status !== "published",
            {p.status === "published" ? (
              p.isCurrent ? (
                <span className="text-rose-50/90">{p.title}</span>
              ) : (
                <Link href={`/blog/${p.slug}`}>
                  <a className={cx(LINK_STYLES, FOCUS_VISIBLE_OUTLINE)}>
            ) : (
              <span className="text-rose-100/50">{p.title}</span>
  • file blog.tsx
import { PostSeries } from "components/ui/PostSeries";
{post.series && post.series.posts ? (
  <div className="mt-24">
    <PostSeries data={post.series} />
) : null}
  • contentlayer.config.ts
const Series = defineNestedType(() => ({
  name: "Series",
  fields: {
    title: {
      type: "string",
      required: true,

const Blog = defineDocumentType(() => ({
  name: 'Blog',
  filePathPattern: 'blog/*.mdx',
  contentType: 'mdx',
  fields: {
    title: { type: 'string', required: true },
    publishedAt: { type: 'string', required: true },
    summary: { type: 'string', required: true },
    image: { type: 'string', required: true },
    status: { type: "enum", options: ["draft", "published"], required: true },
    series: {
      type: "nested",
      of: Series,

Help me. thank!

CodePudding user response:

According to the error message PostSeries want the data input to be of the following type.

  title: string;
  posts: {
    title: string;
    slug: string;
    status: "draft" | "published";
    isCurrent: boolean;

While you are passing it a Series object which doesn't contain posts. So you need to pass in an object that satisifies the above type.

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