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How to ensure sum of amounts in one table is less than the amount of another?


Say I have a table of marbles

id color total
1 blue 5
2 red 10
3 swirly 3

and I need to put them into bags with a unique constraint on (bag_id, marble_id):

bag_id marble_id quantity
1 1 (blue) 2
1 2 (red) 3
2 1 (blue) 2

I have a query for bagging at most the number of remaining marbles

WITH unbagged AS (
    marble.total - COALESCE( SUM( bag.quantity ), 0 ) AS quantity
  FROM marble
    LEFT JOIN bag ON marble.id = bag.marble_id
  WHERE marble.id = :marble_id
  GROUP BY marble.id )
INSERT INTO bag (bag_id, marble_id, quantity)
  LEAST( :quantity, unbagged.quantity )
FROM unbagged
ON CONFLICT (bag_id, marble_id) DO UPDATE SET
  quantity = bag.quantity
        (SELECT quantity FROM unbagged) )

which works great until one day, it gets called twice at exactly the same time with the same item and I end up with 6 swirly marbles in a bag (or maybe 3 each in 2 bags), even though there are only 3 total.

I think I understand why, but I don't know how to prevent this from happening?

CodePudding user response:

Your algorithm isn't exactly clear to me, but the core issue is concurrency.

Manual locking

Your query processes a single given row in table marble at a time. The cheapest solution is to take an exclusive lock on that row (assuming that's the only query writing to marble and bag). Then the next transaction trying to mess with the same kind of marble has to wait until the current one has committed (or rolled back).


SELECT FROM marble WHERE id = :marble_id FOR UPDATE;  -- row level lock

WITH unbagged AS ( ...



Or use serializable transaction isolation, that's the more expensive "catch-all" solution - and be prepared to repeat the transaction in case of a serialization error. Like:


WITH unbagged AS ( ...



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