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A great god for help all of you!


Header files are as follows:
# # ifndef PAINTWIDGET_H

# include "shape. H"
H # include "line."
# include "the rect. H"

The namespace Ui {
The class PaintWidget;

The class PaintWidget: public QWidget

Explicit PaintWidget (QWidget * parent=0);
~ PaintWidget ();

Ui: : Ui PaintWidget *;
Shape: : Code currShapeCode;
Shape * Shape;
Bool perm;
Public slots:
Void setCurrentShape (Shape: : Code s)
If (s!=currShapeCode)

Void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *);
Void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *);
Void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *);
Void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *);



.cpp file the following
# include "paintwidget. H"
# include "ui_paintwidget. H"
# include "qpainter. H"

PaintWidget: : PaintWidget (QWidget * parent) :
QWidget (parent),
UI (new UI: : PaintWidget)
The UI - & gt; SetupUi (this);

Void PaintWidget: : paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter (this);
Painter. SetBrush (Qt: : white);
Painter. DrawRect (0, 0, the size (). The width (), size (), height ());
Foreach (Shape, Shape * shapeList)
{shape - & gt; Paint (painter);
If (shape)
Shape - & gt; Paint (painter);
Void PaintWidget: : mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *)
The switch (currShapeCode)
Case Shape: : Line:
Shape=new Line;
Case Shape: : the Rect:
Shape=new the Rect;
If (shape!=NULL)
ShapeListShape - & gt; SetStart (event - & gt; Pos ());
Shape - & gt; SetEnd (event - & gt; Pos ());
Void PaintWidget: : mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *)
If (shape & amp; & ! Perm) {
Shape - & gt; SetEnd (event - & gt; Pos ());
The update ();
Void PaintWidget: : mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)

PaintWidget: : ~ PaintWidget ()
Delete the UI;
The code in the above a few questions:
1. F: \ Qt \ studyroad \ test \ paintwidget CPP: 31: error: always convert 'Line *' to 'Shape *' in the assignment
Shape=new Line;
2. F: \ Qt \ studyroad \ test \ paintwidget CPP: 52: error: base operand of '- & gt; 'is not a pointer
3. F: \ Qt \ studyroad \ test \ paintwidget CPP: 52: error: invalid use of member (did you forget the '& amp; '?)
Shape - & gt; SetEnd (event - & gt; Pos ());
Don't know what went wrong, try several times, troublesome everybody a great god!

CodePudding user response:

Seems to guess why:
1: the Line is not the Shape of the subclass
2: no setEnd Shape function, if there is a subclass of the first into subclasses pointer to use again

CodePudding user response:

Ok, thank you for! I'll give it a try
  •  Tags:  
  • Qt
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