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AWK Linux shell variable calling a shell variable


this is probably an easy/what-the-hell-is-that question: here a blueprint of the script where I load 4 variables $1 $2 $3 and $4 in a function 'myloop' say

1 2 3  
1 4 5  
1 6 7  
myloop () {
 echo col=$1 $2 $3 $4
 awk -v c1="$1" -v c2="$2" -F, 'BEGIN {
        FS=" ";
        xy =($c1*$c2);
 END {
        print "Product" $3 "and " $4  #this is where $3 (='h2') and $4 (='02') don't print
        print "prod= " xy;
 }' file1 > res.txt
myloop 2 3 h2 o2

expected output in res.txt

product h2 and 02  
prod = 68  

so as I said in the commented line in the code, I can't get to read $3 and $4.
I try passing $3 and $4 with
awk -v c1="$1" -v c2="$2" -vl1="$3" -v l2="$4" ... and then call $l1 and $l2 in the print statement but that does not work.
any hint would be appreciated as I'm no expert (as you can tell) in scripting
Thanks in advance

CodePudding user response:

$ cat tst.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

myloop() {
    echo "col=$*"
    awk -v c1="$1" -v c2="$2" -v l1="$3" -v l2="$4" '
            xy  = $c1 * $c2
        END {
            print "Product", l1, "and", l2
            print "prod =", xy 0
    ' file1

myloop 2 3 h2 o2

$ ./tst.sh
col=2 3 h2 o2
Product h2 and o2
prod = 68

l1 and l2 are bad choices for variable names though since l looks far too much like 1 in many fonts and so obfuscates your code.

By the way, in your code in your question, this:

awk -F,

is changing FS from it's default value of a blank to a comma and then this:

        FS=" ";

is setting it back to the default blank value it had to begin with. Just don't do that.

CodePudding user response:

What you are looking for is called string interpolation and can be performed like so:

print "Product  ${3} and  ${4}"
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