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How to select only the values that are arranged in order


I have MySql 5.7 and a table "FizzBuzz"

ID Name Sort
1 Foo 1
2 Bar 2
3 Baz 5
4 Quux 6
5 Xyzzy 7
6 Plugh 9

I need to get the records that follow each other in the sort field before the first increment break.

For example,

FROM FizzBuzz
WHERE sort >= 1 and /* some */

should return only: Foo and Bar


FROM FizzBuzz
WHERE sort > 2 and /* some */

should return only: Baz, Quux and Xyzzy

How can this be done?

CodePudding user response:

Don't know why you want check the order sequence in MySql? You can achieve it like following using Lag() function:

MySQL Window Function Descriptions

Select * from (SELECT ID, LAG([id],1) OVER (ORDER BY [ID]  ) as PreviousRow
From FizzBuzz)tb1 where  PreviousRow - ID < 1

I will suggest use programming way if you need more complicate logical checking instead of using SQL

CodePudding user response:

Try the following:

    SET @rn=0;
    SET @rn2=0;
    select T.* from
      select ID, Name, Sort, @rn:=@rn 1 row_number, sort-@rn as cont_num_group
      from FizzBuzz
     ) T
    where T.sort>=1
    and T.cont_num_group =
    (select T2.cont_num_group from
      select sort,@rn2:=@rn2 1 row_number, sort-@rn2 as cont_num_group
      from FizzBuzz 
     ) T2
     where T2.sort>=1 order by T2.sort limit 1
    order by T.sort;

The idea is to find the difference between the Sort field and Row Number, all rows with the same difference will be in an continuous order.

I used select T.* to show all derived fields so you can understand how the query works, you may replace it with select T.Id, T.name.

See a demo from here.

CodePudding user response:

In MySQL 5.7, you can use the following approach for this problem:

  • self join your table on t1.ID = t2.ID-1 (you're matching consecutive rows)
  • filter out rows that have consecutive "sort" values (t1.Sort <> t2.Sort-1)
  • generate a row number for each non-consecutive row (@num := @num 1), to be used to select how many non-consecutive "sort" values you need (cte.rn = <your preferred number>)
  • join this result set back with your original table with an inequality sign (tab.Sort < cte.Sort)
SET @num = 0;

SELECT tab.*
FROM tab 
INNER JOIN (SELECT (@num := @num   1) AS rn, 
            FROM      tab t1
            LEFT JOIN tab t2 
                   ON t1.ID = t2.ID-1 
            WHERE t1.Sort <> t2.Sort-1) cte
        ON tab.Sort < cte.Sort
       AND cte.rn = <your preferred number>

Check the demo here.

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