I need to populate a database in neo4j using a json of the following that contains data of some processes. Among them the name of the process, its parents and its children (if any). Here is a part of the json as an example:
"process": "IPTV_Subscriptions",
"parents": ["IPTV_Navigation","DeviceCertifications-insertion"],
"childs": ["villa_iptv", "villa_ott", "villa_calicux"]
"process": "IPTV_Navigation",
"parents": [],
"childs": ["IPTV_Subscriptions"],
"process": "DeviceCertifications-getter",
"parents": [],
"childs": ["DeviceCertifications-insertion"]
"process": "DeviceCertifications-insertion",
"parents": ["DeviceCertifications-getter"],
"childs": ["IPTV_Subscriptions"]
With the following Python code I generated, I found that I can create each node with the processes contained in the json in bulk:
import json
from py2neo import Graph
from py2neo.bulk import create_nodes, create_relationships
graph = Graph("bolt://localhost:7687", auth = ("yyyy", "xxxx"))
#Opening json
f = open('/app/conf/data.json',)
processs = json.load(f)
for i in processs:
keys = ["process"]
create_nodes(graph.auto(), data, labels={"process"}, keys=keys)
And checking in neo4j, I see that the nodes are already created.
But now I need to make the relationships. For each process, from the json I know which are the parents and children of that node.