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Is there a function to know when a function was released?


When developing a package, it's useful to know when a function that we want to use was introduced in R or in a dependency, so that we know whether including it will change the dependencies of our package. Is there a function that takes a function name as input and outputs the R version or the package version in which it was released?


#> '4.0.0'

Even better if this function could work for every package and not just for base R, for example:

#> '1.0.0'

CodePudding user response:

I made a small package for this. It doesn't extract the version in which a function was introduced but it gets all mentions of a function in the NEWS. Therefore, you can find when a function was added, but also when it was modified:


#> VERSION 2.15.0 
#>  =========== 
#>  New function paste0(), an efficient version of paste(*,
#> sep=""), to be used in many places for more concise (and
#> slightly more efficient) code. 
#> VERSION 4.0.1 
#>  =========== 
#>  paste() and paste0() gain a new optional argument recycle0.
#> When set to true, zero-length arguments are recycled leading to
#> character(0) after the sep-concatenation, i.e., to the empty
#> string "" if collapse is a string and to the zero-length value
#> character(0) when collapse = NULL.
#> A package whose code uses this should depend on R (>= 4.0.1).

#> VERSION 2.14.0 
#>  =========== 
#>  New function adist() in package utils for computing ‘edit’
#> (generalized Levenshtein) distances between strings.

getnews("relocate", "dplyr")
#> VERSION 1.0.0 
#>  =========== 
#>  New relocate() verb makes it easy to move columns around within a
#>     data frame (#4598).
#> VERSION 1.0.3 
#>  =========== 
#>  relocate() can rename columns it relocates (#5569).

Created on 2022-07-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Link to the package

CodePudding user response:

You could search through the NAMESPACE files of package versions to find the first time a function has been exported. Two packages help with this: pkgsearch can be used to find all CRAN versions of a contributed package, and pacs can retrieve and read NAMESPACE files.

A simple version (without handling any edge cases) of such a search function could look like this:

implemented_in <- function(fn, pkg) {
  history <- pkgsearch::cran_package_history(pkg)
  # Always search at least one version
  last_without <- 0
  first_with <- nrow(history)   1
  # Binary search to avoid reading all NAMESPACE files
  while (first_with - last_without > 1) {
    next_index <- floor((last_without   first_with) / 2)
    version <- history[next_index, ]$Version
    ns <- pacs::pac_namespace(pkg, version = version)
    if (fn %in% ns$exports) {
      first_with <- next_index
    } else {
      last_without <- next_index
  history[first_with, ]$Version

implemented_in("relocate", "dplyr")
#> [1] "1.0.0"

However, this approach doesn't work for base R functions.

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