Why linearlayout defines how to layout, and the final button show not to come out, how to display
The android: id="@ + id/parent"
Android: layout_width="match_parent"
Android: layout_height="match_parent"
Android: orientation="vertical" & gt;
The android: id="@ + id/title"
Android: layout_width="match_parent"
Android: layout_height="38 dp"
Android: background="@ drawable/bg_top" & gt;
The android: id="@ + id/exit"
Android: layout_width="15 dp"
Android: layout_height="15 dp"
Android: layout_centerVertical="true"
Android: layout_marginLeft="18 dp"
Android: background="@ drawable/selector_exit"/& gt;
Android: layout_below="@ + id/title"
Android: layout_width="match_parent"
Android: layout_height="match_parent"
Android: background="@ android: color/black" & gt;
NoteBook //custom surfaceview
The android: id="@ + id/note_book"
Android: layout_below="@ + id/title"
Android: layout_width="match_parent"
Android: layout_height="match_parent"
20 cfe6 android: background="#"/& gt;
The android: id="@ + id/btn_list"
Android: layout_width="33 dp"
Android: layout_height="155 dp"
Android: orientation="vertical"
Android: background="@ drawable/btn_list_bg"
Android: layout_alignParentRight="true"
Android: layout_marginRight="20 dp"
Android: layout_below="@ + id/title" & gt;
The android: id="@ + id/pen"
Android: layout_width="21 dp"
Android: layout_height="21 dp"
Android: layout_marginTop="17 dp"
Android: layout_marginLeft="6 dp"
Android: background="@ drawable/selector_pen"
/& gt;
The android: id="@ + id/import_whiteboard"
Android: layout_width="21 dp"
Android: layout_height="21 dp"
Android: layout_marginTop="13 dp"
Android: layout_marginLeft="6 dp"
Android: background="@ drawable/selector_import"
/& gt;
& lt; The Button
The android: id="@ + id/scale2"
Android: layout_width="20 dp"
Android: layout_height="20 dp"
Android: layout_alignParentBottom="true"
Android: layout_alignParentRight="true"
Android: layout_gravity="end"
Android: layout_marginBottom="5 dp"
Android: layout_marginRight="5 dp"
Android: background="@ drawable/selector_scale"/& gt;
CodePudding user response:
Be LinnerLayout the RelativeLayout covered above CodePudding user response: