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Is there a workaround to keep app settings which not defined in Bicep template?



resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2020-06-01' = {
  name: webSiteName
  location: location
  properties: {
    serverFarmId: appServicePlan.id
    siteConfig: {
      linuxFxVersion: linuxFxVersion

      appSettings: [
          name: 'ContainerName'
          value: 'FancyContainer'
          name: 'FancyUrl'
          value: 'fancy.api.com'

The infrastructure release process is run successfully, and the app settings are set correctly, after that I run the node application build and release where the Azure DevOps release pipeline adds some application-related config to app settings. (API keys, API URLs, for example) and everything works great.

But if I have to rerelease infrastructure, for example, I expand my environment with a storage account, the app settings which the application release set are lost.

Is there a workaround to keep app settings which not defined in Bicep template?

CodePudding user response:

From this article: Merge App Settings With Bicep.

  1. Don't include appSettings inside the siteConfig while deploying.
  2. Create a module to create/update appsettings that will merge the existing settings with new settings.

appsettings.bicep file:

param webAppName string
param appSettings object
param currentAppSettings object

resource siteconfig 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config@2022-03-01' = {
  name: '${webAppName}/appsettings'
  properties: union(currentAppSettings, appSettings)


param webAppName string

// Create the webapp without appsettings
resource webApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
  name: webAppName
    siteConfig: {
      // Dont include the appSettings

// Create-Update the webapp app settings.
module appSettings 'appsettings.bicep' = {
  name: '${webAppName}-appsettings'
  params: {
    webAppName: webApp.name
    // Get the current appsettings
    currentAppSettings: list(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites/config', webApp.name, 'appsettings'), '2022-03-01').properties
    appSettings: {
      Foo: 'Bar'
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