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Detect a WordPress Installation


How to detect if a folder is having a WordPress installation or not ?

WP-CLI does that and gives the error This does not seem to be a WP installation, and detects correctly if the directory has a WP install even if it is in any of the subfolders (wp-includes/images or wp-includes/js ) .

I went through the code and it searches for index.php and compares content with the original index.php . One more thing it does is to check for the presence of wp-includes/version.php . Got the idea but how it works on subfolders like those mentioned above is still not clear . Do anybody have any idea on how to do this ? Thanks in advance .

CodePudding user response:

Look for the wp-config.php file. If you find it, require it, then try to use its constants DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and DB_NAME to connect to the WordPress database associated with the WordPress instance. If that works, you very likely have a working WordPress instance.

If your current working directory doesn't have wp-config.php look at parent directories recursively until you (a) find it or (b) come to the top level directory.

wp-cli does more elaborate things. But this should work for you.

CodePudding user response:

So i have scribbled a script that detects a WP install . It works as expected inside a wp install folder , but if it is not inside a WordPress install it executes an infinite loop . Can somebody guide on how to stop at top level directory as mentioned by @O.Jones ? Here is my code .


function get_wp_index($dir=null) {

    $dir = getcwd();

echo "Currently Looking \n";
echo $dir;

$name = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."index.php";

if ( file_exists( $name ) ) {

    $index_code = (file_get_contents($name));

    if ( preg_match( '|^\s*require\s*\(?\s*(. ?)/wp-blog-header\.php([\'"])|m', $index_code, $matches ) ) {

        echo "Is a WP Install";


    } else {
        echo "Has index File but not one with wp-blog-header";
        echo "\n\n";
        //Go one directory up
        $up_path = realpath($dir. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..');

} else {

    echo 'No Index File Found';
    echo "\n\n";
        //Go one directory up
        $up_path = realpath($dir. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..');
    echo $up_path;


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