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flutter how to remove gap from left side in CarouselSlider


I want to show the all images from the API in the carousel and for items, I want to show 2 items per slide. and it works correctly what I want. but at the first item, it gives me a gap from the left side. anyone know how can i remove this gap from left side.

here is my code:-

class PersonImages extends StatefulWidget {

PersonImages({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

_PersonImages createState() => _PersonImages();

class _PersonImages extends State<PersonImages>{

var UsriD = Auth.prefs?.getString('usrid');
var Imagedata;
var img = "";
var user = "";

 void initState() {

getImageData() async{
var res = await http.get(Uri.https('www.*******.net', '/index.php',{'act':'usrPhotos','Usrid': '${UsriD}'}));
Imagedata = jsonDecode(res.body);
setState(() {});

Widget build(BuildContext context) {

  Imagedata != null? CarouselSlider.builder(
      options: CarouselOptions(
        aspectRatio: 2.0,
        enableInfiniteScroll: false,
        enlargeCenterPage: false,
        viewportFraction: 0.5,
      itemCount: Imagedata.length,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index, int  pageViewIndex) {
        //final int first = index * 2;
        //final int second = first   1;
             mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
            children: [
                child:  Container(
                child: Container(
                  margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
                    child: ClipRRect(
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)),
                        fit: BoxFit.cover,
                        width: double.infinity,
                        height: 300,
                        alignment: Alignment.center,

  ): const Center(
    child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

Here is my output:- there is clearly see that there is gap from left side

please help me if anyone knows how to resolve it. is anyone knows how to do this so answer my question?

CodePudding user response:

Set initial page

initialPage: 1,

also change

enableInfiniteScroll: true,
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