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Get exact return type from T[keyof T]


What I have:

class App<T> {
    config: T // T is supposed to be Record<string, _different types_>

config = // T example
    'part1': Type1,
    'part2': Type2,
    'part3': Type3

What I want to achive:

class App<T> {
    config: T,
    getPart(key) // get part of T with exact type, key is the key of T

const data = app.getPart('part2') // returns Type2

What I tried:

getPart(key: keyof T): T[keyof T] { // return type becomes T1 | T2 | T3
    return this.config[key];

Problem: Is it possible to get the exact return type based?


CodePudding user response:

Is the following behavior what you wanted?

const config = {
    'part1': 3,
    'part2': false,
    'part3': "55"

class App<T> {
    config: T
    getPart<U extends keyof T>(key: U): T[U] { 
        return this.config[key];
    constructor(arg0: T) { };
let app = new App(config);

const test1 = app.getPart('part1') // type: number
const test2 = app.getPart('part2') // type: boolean
const test3 = app.getPart('part3') // type: string

CodePudding user response:

You have to specify the specific key of the type T. Not just keyof T.

getPart<TKey extends keyof T>(key: TKey): T[TKey] {
  return this.config[key];
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