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Go through the divs and add a part to array


How can I go through on elements which contains same class and take a part of the div?

<div >This Is selected
   <div >4320573</div>
   <div ><span >Due at 09:00</span></div>
<div >This Is selected
   <div >4320573</div>
   <div ><span >Due at 09:00</span></div>
<div >This Is selected
   <div >9852183</div>
   <div ><span >Due at 12:00</span></div>

I have 3 divs with class "Selected". I count it with the next code:

    var po_list_number = document.querySelectorAll('.Selected').length;

My question is, how can I see if there is duplicated div? (The apptId content if same) If there is, count just once and take the time once as well.

So I need to create a second list which containts just time but never duplicate.

CodePudding user response:

Put the contents of the DIVs in a Set and get the size of the set. Since sets can't have duplicate values, this is the number of unique strings.

const apptid_divs = [...document.querySelectorAll('.Selected .apptId')];
const apptid_set = new Set(apptid_divs.map(div => div.textContent.trim()))
<div >This Is selected
   <div >4320573</div>
   <div ><span >Due at 09:00</span></div>
<div >This Is selected
   <div >4320573</div>
   <div ><span >Due at 09:00</span></div>
<div >This Is selected
   <div >9852183</div>
   <div ><span >Due at 12:00</span></div>

CodePudding user response:

The accepted answer doesn't retrieve the time and create a unique list as requested by the original question.

Here's the correct JavaScript code that outputs a uniquePoListCount count and a key:value uniquePoList object of unique apptId details as requested.

// Select all .Selected  elements
let poList = document.querySelectorAll('.Selected')

// List the element objects in the original poList array
poList = Object.entries(poList)

// Define variables to avoid declarations in a loop
let poListEntry = ''
let poListEntryId = ''
let uniquePoList = {}
let uniquePoListCount = 0

// Loop through poList entries
for (let poListKey in poList) {
    // Set the poListEntry to a variable
    poListEntry = poList[poListKey][1]

    // Set the apptId to a variable
    poListEntryId = poListEntry.querySelector('.apptId').innerText

    if (typeof uniquePoList[poListEntryId] === 'undefined') {
        // Populate uniquePoList with [{apptId: details}] after verifying uniqueness of apptId
        uniquePoList[poListEntryId] = poListEntry.querySelector('.details .timestamp').innerText

        // Increment count of unique apptIds

console.log("Count of unique appointments")
console.log("List of unique appointments")
<div >This Is selected
    <div >4320573</div>
    <div ><span >Due at 09:00</span></div>
<div >This Is selected
    <div >4320573</div>
    <div ><span >Due at 09:00</span></div>
<div >This Is selected
    <div >9852183</div>
    <div ><span >Due at 12:00</span></div>

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