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Blazor WASM: Inheritance Does not Render mark up from Inherited class


This line of code: "base.BuildRenderTree(__builder);" does not compile.

I'm trying to add a base component that will handle some downloadable data that is needed on every page.

I can pass my dependency injection, and properties through inheritance, but I can't get the mark up from the base component to render. __builder is not exposed, and I can't override BuildRenderTree.

Anyone know what the deal is?

CodePudding user response:

As you haven't provided any code to work with here's some code that demonstrates the various techniques you can use within the standard ComponentBase implementation.

Here's a base component to inherit from:

// MyBasePage.razor

<p>This is content in the base page</p>


@code {
    protected RenderFragment Footer(string FooterMessage) => (__builder) =>
            <div >@FooterMessage</div>

    protected virtual RenderFragment ChildRenderFragment => (__builder) =>
        <div>Child Content Goes Here</div>

    protected virtual RenderFragment? BaseContent { get; set; }

And an inherited page:

@page "/"
@inherits MyBasePage


@code {
    protected override RenderFragment BaseContent => (builder) => base.BuildRenderTree(builder);

    protected override RenderFragment ChildRenderFragment => (__builder) =>
        <div >
        This is the child content
        @this.Footer("Cold Elm Coders")

The code is a little convoluted because ComponentBase is tied down so there's no access to modify the RenderFragment that's submitted to the Renderer.

If you want a more elegant solution you need to write your own ComponentBase. See my answer to this question for one.

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