I currently have an image which becomes visible or not depending on some steps of a process. The qml code for that image is the following :
id : cameraDisplay
visible : mainViewModel.getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
anchors.centerIn : parent
source: "Images/Todo.png"
I also have a button, which the user can press to display that image or not :
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
buttonText : "CAMERA"
onClicked: {cameraDisplay.visible = !cameraDisplay.visible;}
In the c , the binding looks like this :
Q_PROPERTY(bool getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
READ getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
NOTIFY segmentChanged)
the idea is that every time the current step of the process changes in my program, a notification is sent. That notification is then sent to the QML, which then gets the backend value to know if the camera should display or not that image.
I also have a button, which allows the user to toggle on or off the visibility of that image. The problem is that once that button is clicked, I lose the Q_PROPERTY
binding, which means that once I go to the next segment, the notifications sent to the qml won't change the visibility of the image.
So basically, what I would want would be the following situation :
- The segment changes, a notification is sent to the qml, and the visiblity of the image is updated automatically.
- The user presses the button, which toggles the visibility of that image.
- The segment changes again, a notification is sent to the qml, and the visibility of that image is again updated according to the backend.
Currently, step 3 doesn't work. What should I change to make it work?
CodePudding user response:
You can change your binding in C to emit a signal when a change occurs, like this:
Q_PROPERTY(bool getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
READ getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
WRITE setCurrentSegment
NOTIFY segmentChanged)
In your class.h,
class MyClass : public QObject
bool _segment;
const bool &getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed() const;
public slots:
void setCurrentSegment(const bool &newSegment);
void segmentChanged(const bool &segment);
In your class.cpp,
void MyClass::setCurrentSegment(const bool &newSegment)
if (_segment == newSegment){
_segment = newSegment;
emit segmentChanged(_segment);
const bool &MyClass::getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed() const
return _segment;
Now in C you can change the process value any way you want. On the QML side, when you need to change the property, just use the SLOT setCurrentSegment passing its new state:
id : cameraDisplay
visible: mainViewModel.getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
anchors.centerIn : parent
source: "https://www.cleverfiles.com/howto/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/minion.jpg"
text : "CAMERA"
onClicked: {
The binding is maintained regardless of where the change takes place.
CodePudding user response:
I think you don't want your Button to directly change the visibility. You want it to change some other flag that the visibility depends on. How about something like this:
property bool showImage: true
id : cameraDisplay
visible : showImage && mainViewModel.getCurrentSegmentIsCameraDisplayed
onClicked: {showImage = !showImage}