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In elasticsearch a record can be searched but cannot be fetch by ID


Just now a strange thing happened. I used ran a search request on an elasticsearch cluster.

curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_search  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "query": { "match": { "<field>": "<value>" } } } '

The response was

{ "hits": { "hits": [{ "_id": "<the ID>", ... }], ... }, ... }

Then I tried to query this doc.

curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_doc/<the ID>

But it responded

{"_index":"<index>","_type":"_doc","_id":"<the ID>","found":false}

I tried to delete this record, but it was also not found.

{"_index":"<index>","_type":"_doc","_id":"<the ID>","_version":1,"result":"not_found","_shards":{ ... }, ... }

I finally used delete by query.

What could possibily cause this issue?

Elasticsearch version: 7.10.2

CodePudding user response:

It usually means that the record was indexed with a routing value, which means you need to provide that routing value to retrieve it, update it and/or delete it.

You can try different routing values, up to the number of primary shards that you have, i.e. if you have 5 primary shards, one of the following must return your document

curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_doc/<the ID>?routing=0
curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_doc/<the ID>?routing=1
curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_doc/<the ID>?routing=2
curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_doc/<the ID>?routing=3
curl http://<cluster>/<index>/_doc/<the ID>?routing=4

You can find the routing value used for your document in the search response in the _routing field value.

{ "hits": { "hits": [{ "_id": "<the ID>", "_routing": "<the ROUTING>", ... }], ... }, ... }
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